How much can you eat?
I can too. I think a lot of the chili is liquid, so that's why. I can eat about a cup of any soft food.
I can only eat about 1/2 c. of things like chicken or tuna.
My surgeon tells me that people *****gain their weight after WLS are usually falling victim to 'soft-food syndrome', and able to out-eat the surgery.
Sue, I ate a whole small chili from Wendy's last night. I was in a rush and wasn't paying attention - ate way too fast. I felt a little uncomfortable but not too bad. I don't know how much of that was eating 8 oz or eating too fast. Chili *is* a high-water food and I know I can eat more of it than something like say, chicken.
Revision on 10/29/12
I can eat a whole smart ones or lean cuisine meal... not always but often they are 8-10 oz. I can eat a salad pretty easily. I cannot eat very much meat such as chicken breast and steak maybe 3-4 oz tops. I can also eat a south beach diet meal which is a whole wheat tortilla with chicken salsa, cheese, It comes with 2 tortillas I cannot eat both but I make one wrap and eat the leftover chicken without bread. I can also eat a lot of popcorn.