I'm an IDIOT!!! (LONG)
On the heels of one wonderful email comes a not so wondefurful one...
I work for a large university...today the VP sends an email to all employees stating that if we were not essential staff, that we could leave at 3p on 12/23, and 12/30. The Fridays before the Holidays...Well I wor****il 9 on Fridays, so I knew there was no way I could leave at 3 after just getting in at 1. So being the smart girl that I am, I FORWARD the email to my direct supervisor with the caption "Any way that I can work this to my advantage?" Well only problem is I didn't forward it, I REPLIED to the VP
!!!! He writes back and says "Ms. Anderson, what exactly did u have in mind? I am soooooooo embarassed, I simply wrote back, "I apologize, my intent was to send this to my supervisor". Think that will suffice?
I mean its not that bad, is it.........Is it????
Oops! Dontcha just hate it when that happens?
Short ****inda long) story:
Several years ago, when I was still a contract admin at my company, I forwarded a joke I had received. I know, I know, against company policy, but really, who doesn't? In the process of forwarding to friends, I accidentally included a large, corporate-wide distribution list... This was a very raunchy Adam Sandler joke... Within minutes, I started getting messages back from complete strangers asking why I sent it to them. 3 things saved my job.
1) The bad words were @#^$*@# out
2) I immediately recalled the message with an apology
3) I told my boss what I had done
I still got nailed for it, people kept emailing me back and some of them were hitting Reply All so my recall pretty much failed. I received a written warning, cried a lot, thought for sure I was going to lose my job... Today, I use this little story when I conduct Unlawful Harassment classes for employees... To this day, when someone sends me a joke at work I respond with a canned response about being reprimanded in the past, please send these to my home address...
Anyway, no point to my story, I guess, other than your situation reminded me of it...
It's not that bad. I would forward YOUR response to your VP to your direct supervisor and say, "I meant to send this to you and my intent was to find out if I could have any time off given my schedule." That way, your boss is aware of the situation in case the VP should say something like "That crazy Aliya sent me a really weird message. What's up with her?"
Your boss can say, "Oh yeah, she told me about that, what she meant was..." and they can have a good chuckle about it...