What's Up With That?
I don't get it.... I just don't get it.... Over a month ago I set a goal of loosing 10 lbs before a wedding. From the moment I set the goal, the weight stuck on like white on rice. The scale did not budge. So fine, I went out a couple of days before the wedding (this past Friday) and just bought a nice blouse to wear with my slacks.
The wedding was great. Family, friends, dancing, brunches, lunches, dinners, drinks... I was good about portions, but ate and drank with blatant disregard. Hell, being stringent wasn't working.... "why not"...
Got back yesterday, after 4 days of revelry and I've lost 4 pounds!! The point of this tirade?... I just don't get it....
Kate Z
Still not a member of the damn century club!!!! But I'll get there!!!
Maybe, I did spend a lot of time in the hot-tub, too.... maybe I melted off a few pounds. Just ticks me off that I can't control this "journey" more effectively. (such a control freak)
Oh well... Still on track. I hope no one took offense with my last remarks. I'm very happy for those who are already on the Century club roster. Just a little jealous that it's taking me longer.
Kate Z
Some of us had head starts on the Century Club. In my case, 32 lbs (3 months worth). But I know what you mean...
The bottom line is that we cannot control much of this journey. All we can control is what we eat, how much protein and such, how much we exercise, how much water we drink and taking our vitamins. The weight that comes off, IMHO, is a derned crap shoot. Cannot be predicted or controlled. This is why I have refused to set weight goals but a certain date. Figured if I did that I'd just set myself up for failure from the get-go.
Glad to hear that your came back from the wedding 4 lbs down. Seems like many people have that as they move on...no weight loss, then a clump, and so on.
Hugs to ya,