Not a Proud Moment
I went out last night with a couple of friends to hang out for a little while. Had the intention of drinking "a" beer.
I wound up coming home at 3:30am, after having drank entirely too much and passing out on the bathroom floor. Don't worry, I didn't drive - that's the only good choice I made last night, apparently.
Not only am I embarassed about what I did, I'm dissapointed in myself, as well. I know how dangerous alcohol can be post-WLS and while I'm certainly no teetotaler, it was never my intention to let things go the way they did last night. In addition to the health risks, I know this behavior isn't going to get me to goal. I logged everything I *think* I drank on Fitday and it looks like I consumed something like 800 calories in alcohol. Empty calories...
Please don't flame me. It was really, really stupid, I know that. And, to be honest, I already feel about as rotten as I could possibly feel, so I think I've learned my lesson. I basically just put this out there to take accountability for my actions.
Uhhhhh..................can I be honest???????????
You go girl for having a great time and enjoying life.
So what you hit a bump.....Drink lots of water and get back on track tomorrow, because I can guess you feel like crap today!!!
Let's just not make it a habit and you will reach your goal.
Good Luck!!!