How much and what are you eating now?
I know we ask this every few weeks, but I'm curious. The last few weeks I seem to be able to eat a lot. I do admit, I've been snacking quite a bit in the evenings lately and am stopping that as of today.
Yesterday, here's my food:
B: (around 10) 1 deviled egg, 1 string cheese, about 1/2 honey crisp apple
L: (around 2:30) 4 slices provolone and about 8-10 whole-grain wheat thins
D: (around 7) 1/2 bologna sandwich (1 slice wheat bread, 1 slice low fat bologna, 1 slice 2% American cheese, lite Miracle Whip)
Then, throughout the rest of the night I had a couple of handfulls of baked cheetos and light Lays, a single-sized bag of popcorn, and a slice of sf pumpkin pie with light whipped cream. This was between around 8:30 or 9 and 11:30. I actually had to stop eating the popcorn for a while and let it 'settle' cuz I got uncomfortable for a little bit (I had eaten the chips right before it). Throughout the day I do fine, but come evening time, my head hunger kicks in with a vengeance and lately I've been giving in. I know, physically I am not hungry, but I just want to eat something.
So, anyway, how much and what are you eating lately?
Hi Michelle!
I totally relate to the night-snacking thing. I battle it alot, too.
During the week, I do pretty good, I've got a routine, and I'm usually too busy or tired to snack at night. Typical week-day looks like this:
B (8ish): 1 package Weight Control Oatmeal or 1 cup of Low carb yogurt
L (11:30ish): about 3/4 cup of chili or bean soup
D (anywhere from 6pm to 9:30pm): Depends on the day and what's going on, maybe 2/3 of a SB frozen meal, maybe a couple slices of deli ham with cheese, maybe 3 or so ounces of steak or chicken and some broccoli.
On nights I have class, I usually have anywhere from 3-6 peanutbutter crackers (the kind you buy in the vending machine) because I don't usually get dinner until about 9. Even on non-school nights I'm usually running around so much that I get home and go to bed without anything else to eat. On occasion, I might have a handful of Gardettos.
The weekends are the worst for me, especially afternoons and evenings. Here's what I'm doing today:
Lots of coffee
B (Around 9 or 10): 1 scrambled egg with leftover turkey in a low carb tortilla with a slice of cheese
S (noonish): Starbucks Latte (20 g of protein!)
L (2ish): South Beach Diet PB Bar
D (5 or 6?) We're going to Ohio for Tgiving with my inlaws. I'll probably have ham or turkey, some veggies, maybe a bite of cassole or potatoes - not sure what we're having. I'll have a sliver of SF Cheesecake and probably a snack later tonight when we get home.
Many afternoons on the weekends I have a late breakfast, skip lunch and eat a snack mid-afternoon. Popcorn a lot of the time - I need to buy those single serving packs. I can put away a whole regular microwave size bag if given enough time. I also snack on Gardettos a little too much for my liking. They're a trigger food for me so I have to be VERY careful...
Geez, I've been rambling, sorry! I don't think what you're doing is out of line. You're spreading your meals (or mini-meals) out over the course of the day, you're making good choices. Are you getting enough protein? Drinking your water? Taking your vits? If so, then I think you're doing great!

Yes, I'm taking my vitamins - a prenatal and 2 calcium daily, plus a monthly B-12 shot (given to me by me!). I drink anywhere between 60 - 120 oz of fluids (crystal lite, sf kool-aid, propel, water, green tea)/day. I'm pretty sure I'm getting enough protein everyday, if I feel a bit low for the day then I throw in a protein shake. When I'm working out hard, I have one or two protein shakes/day. But I'm of the belief that what comes natural is more healthy than what isn't. I try to eat things as close to their natural state as possible.
Hey Michelle!
I totally understand you. I sometimes get the urge to snack BIG TIME, but what I have been doing is drinking MORE protein and more Water, to get the full feeling. I also get a craving for sweets, but I truly feel that when I blend my Nectar Protein Roadside Lemonade up with ice in a blender(like a Daquari) it's fills my need for a sweet snack.
Revision on 10/29/12
Hi Michelle... I have been snacking alot too. Today was not a bad eating day for me but let me give you a typical day for me....
B 1 1/2 scoops of vanilla pineapple protein delite in 12 oz. h2o or 1 packet of instant oatmeal ( either weight control with unflavored protein scoop) or plain oatmeal with 1 scoop of vanilla very berry protein delite.
S +/- in the morning if I do maybe some mixed nuts or string cheese.
L a smart ones or lean cuisine meal... the ones that are 9 oz or under I can usually eat the whole thing.
S- kinda simialr to the a.m. but often I may have 2 things to eat so maybe nuts and string cheese
I usually eat another snakc before dinner too.... maybe baked doritos, salsa with tortilla chips, cottage cheese, etc
D- ????? varies widely from salad to piece of steak or chicken (3-4 oz maybe) I am guilty of eating pasta too I was never an italian freak pre -op but now i cannot get anough tomatoe sauce and pasta. sometiems I will have a cheeseburger (90% or greater lean) without the bun.
Probably another snakc before all is said and done. I usually get in between 800-1200 calories. All my vits unless I carelessly forget and at least 32 oz of water on top of my protein shake. It's funny because I forget to drink all of the time but NEVER forget to eat (unfortunately) so I eat a lot and haven't lost a pound since Nov 10.... I guess I can't complain because this is only my second stall in weight loss. I am gonna start exercising tooo I have been bad because of my crazy work schedule but I just have to make it a priority.
Hi Michelle,
My days look alot like yours and I have always had a problem in the evening with sweets. Since I found crackers and chips recently, I seem to snack on them often.
a.m. 1 scr. egg w/cheese sometimes meat
10am stringcheese or nuts or ritz p.butter bites
noon small lunchable or tuna w/6-7 crackers or frozen meal (high protein)
3pm 1 low carb dannon yogurt or stringcheese
4:30 snack snack snack (of course I crave chips or crackers)
6:30pm 2 oz. meat w/couple of bites of (pasta,rice and vegy's)
8:00 1 sf ice cream bar (carb smart)
My weight is still going down (two to three lbs. every 10 days or so) exercise is not where it should be. And water has gone down a little but still ok.

Hey Michelle,
I am battling with the late night snacking as well...I can eat about 4-6 of any one thing...depending on how full I already am, or the consistency of the food. I normally try to start my day off with a protein drink...lunch is a salad, chicken, or tuna, and dinner is more of the same. Sounds good until you add in the crap from the vending machine. But I have been doing really well as of late, I'm off the plateau, and 37 pounds to goal!