Guilty Pleasure(s)

I'll mention it to BIL but he isn't in programming... well he is... but in the IT side of the house. Last Christmas he was very busy with work. They were using new software to handle subscriptions and were hoping it could handle the big load. It did. But we got to hear before the press when they got their millioneth subscriber.
I've only heard Sirius when I'm up in NY at their house. Love to hear some of those old NY DJs that I grew up listening to on rock stations. Carol cannot remember her name and Jim Kerr and others. BIL says a couple of them are his smoking buddies.
Don't read romance novels, or soap operas, and certainly don't use "butt floss"
but I love crime shows on TV. CSI, Without a Trace, NCIS, I LOVE them!!!!!!!!!! But of course, my all time favorite show in the whole wide world is LOST!!!!!!!! I rush the kids home from church on Wednesday nights, put them in bed, grab my protein drink and turn on channel 12!

My guilty pleasure is a very good haircut and highlights at a high profile joint that I pay way too much for. I also love pedicures. If my husband only knew what I paid for these services . . . but I just can't go to a cheap place and I definitely can't color my own hair -- It would be a disaster!
If I could afford it right now, I'd be getting weekly massages and facials as well . . . we can all dream!

For our 45th birthdays my friend and I went to Red Door salon and got massages and facials. Just divine. When we hit lotto those are going to be every week treats, I swear. That and a personal trainer to work my butt out several times a week.
For our 40th birthdays the same friend and I did an all day pampering at the Ritz Carlton spa. Glorious. Mud wrap, massage, facial, manicure and pedicure. My friend isn't into the manicure/pedicure but I am.
I'm fessin'...
Mine is college football!!! Talk about cute guys...and those uniforms...especially the bottoms! My entire family's schedule revolves around Univ. of Texas football (hook'em horns)....of course this is Texas and we love our football.
My other two would be Desperate Housewives and LOST. I have to have my pedicure every 3 weeks and I L-O-V-E makeup!!! Even pre-op I was a make-up goddess. I can't go cheap on it. I need to buy stock in Mac and Lancome!!!!
I love your wrestling pleasure. When I was bedrested with my first child I started watching it. It was like watching a soap opera for men!