Guilty Pleasure(s)
Okay, Maysters...
Confession time. What is your one guilty pleasure that is NOT food related? Or what are your guilty pleasures that you are willing to share?
So what is it? You read romance novels? You are hooked on a specific soap opera? You wear thongs? (Owie!) Hmmmm... what is it?
Fess up, if you dare...

I don't read romance novels, watch soap operas or wear thongs but...
I watch professional wrestling. Some of those men are really cut and kinda cute, you know?! Okay, so maybe you don't know...but I do. The folks that do this are in great physical shape and to do the movements requires great physical shape and lots of very careful planning and choregraphy or folks can get seriously injured. The stuff can be so hokey but for some reason, I love it. In fact, I look forward to it.
Strangely, on my wedding night a year ago...I had been having terrible back pain from herniated disks. Rich and I came home after our luncheon and relaxed. We put on flannel PJs and climbed into bed with cheese and crackers and watched WWE. I am NOT joking. It was nice. Weird in a way but hey - that's US.

Okay, I hate romance novels. Not a big soaps fan... Yeah, I wear thongs... I never thought I would and when I bought my first pair, I NEVER thought I'd actually learn to like them, but, there you go...
My real guilty pleasure is true crime. Love the serial killer true crime books, especially Ann Rule. Also love Steven King. The gorier, the more twisted, the better... No idea why, I'm a pacifist by nature...
Also, I love to bake. In fact, tonight, I made another cheesecake to take to Ohio tomorrow and when I started, I was kind of stressed out and tired. Turned on Sirius (satellite radio) to an 80s station, started working and by the time I was done, was dancing around the kitchen, giving Aaron quite the show from the dining room...

I'm a mystery lover. Love to read 'em, watch 'em, etc. Fiction is fine and true crime is great too.
I have the mental picture of you dancing in the kitchen. Did any of this involve your new "surprises" swaying to the music? Naw, don't tell me... I don't want to know... 511! 511! (TMI)
Sirius, cool. Rich is getting that for Christmas from my sister and BIL. BIL works for them.
Have a safe drive tomorrow and try to keep warm!