Getting ready for Monday
Hey Mayers!
While most people are out shopping for x-mas today. I'm out shopping for my PROTEIN,EXERCISE,WATER & VITAMIN train for Monday
I just wanted to pass on some information that I think you might like
Since we will be up our protein next week, I was on The Vitamin Shoppe website this morning to check out there sales. I LOVE the Nectar Protein(roadside lemonade) and they are having a sale on it for $23.99..I know that it's only a savings of $3.98...but hey it's a savings. So I called the Vitamin Shoppe here in DC to find out can I get the the Nectar for the same price as online in the store, and I was told "YES" the only thing that you have to do is, print the page from the website to include the price showing $23.99, and bring it in the store, and the store will honor the on line price
. They also have 5mg Bioiton on sale for $4.30, 60 capsules the regular price is $8.59...a savings of $4.29.
I hope that you all don't think that I'm crazy
it's just that ever since WLS I've been spending a lot more $$$$$$ on Vitamins, Water, Protein drinks, Special Shampoo & Conditioner,clothes, and healthy food. Which adds up to be a heck of alot more than before WLS, so when I can save a dime...I DO
Maybe I should change my name to "Save a LOT Steph"...:rofe:
I hope that you guys continue to enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday...and I check in on Monday to start our train again...

Save A Lot Steph,
Thanks so much for the update, I normally order my nectar from barriatric eating, but they just opened a Vitamin Shoppe in my I'm headed there this weekend. Girl, this is no joke, and thanks for the heads up, at this time of yr, a sista is on a tight budget...$3.98 is 2 gallons of gas! LOL I can't wait to get back on the train! ALL ABOARD!!!

Hey Aliya!
I hear you girl! I can't wait for Monday either! I use to buy my Nectar Protein from Barriatric eating also, but when I discovered Vitamin Shoppe, it was a couple of dollars cheaper, and NO shipping because I would buy it in the store. I LOVE Vitamin Shoppe, you when you each time you make a purchase with your member card you accumilta points, ans at the end of the year, you can use your pointf for free merchandice such as NECTAR PROTEIN....
See you on MONDAY...choo...choo
Hey Kristi!
The train that we are talking about is called the "More Train"
More Protein,Water, Vitamins & Exercise
The last couple of weeks we(mayers) have been posting our daily food,protein,water,vitamins & exercise intake. It gives everyone a chance to see what others are eatting
those that participated DID loose weight...I lost 13 pounds
See you on MONDAY!