The Gratitude List! Please Post!
How funny after posting my post last night that I have the thought and wherewithall to post a list like this. Even though I've had some "issues", I'm still very very grateful for so many things. No real regrets.
1. I'm grateful for my dear and loving husband. Not sure what I did in my life to be worthy of him but I try hard each and every day.
2. I'm grateful for my family. We have our "moments" but I love them nonetheless.
(Wish Mom was still here. But how wonderful to see her in my own face in the pictures Rich and I just had taken.)
3. I'm grateful for my job. I work with wonderful understanding folks. The job may not be what I'd like to be doing but it is steady, predictable and I know what to expect. (Actually would love to be independently wealth and go to school full time and get a degree in nutrition and psychology and work with post-ops...quite a dream.)
4. I'm grateful for my Maysters and the support I get here. I love you all. This is my safe place and I love the fact that there is no drama or arguing like you see on the main board and some of the other boards.
5. I'm grateful for my friends...some from my childhood...some more newly formed... some from my local support group(s) - they mean the world to me.
6. I'm grateful for my surgeon and other doctors. I have full and absolute faith in them to see me through whatever arises.
7. I'm grateful that I had this surgery and that my health issues - diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea are gone/controlled.
Guess that's it for now...
Kathy away...I'll meet you at the Hilton...
seriously, hope everything is all good.
Lets see I am so grateful to live the fabulous life that I live. I mean somedays I feel like crap, and wanna give up...but its days like today when I am surrounded by family and friends, and I receive endless text messages telling me how special I am to someone that make me grateful to be a part of this world.
I am grateful for my beautiful little boy, who has been through so much in his short life, yet he still keeps truckin. This kid still wasn't talking by the age of 3, was classified special ed for 2 years...only to be mainstreamed for kindergarten. We still have some behavioral issues, but we're working on it. So thank you Lord...for holding me accountable, and giving me this gift.
Forever grateful to my mom, and my maternal grandparents...I am able to do a whole lot, only because of them.
My job-Lets just say, I'm posting on OH, and watching work, and this is pretty much the regular
...need I say more.
My fabulous group of select friends...they get me through sooo much
and last but not least...Dr. Ward for giving me the tool to change my life. My local support group, THE MAY Kathy said, it's my safe place, my secret pal...who always finds a way to inspire me, and Obesity Help in general. The support and positivity that this site provides is amazing.
Oh, I am also blessed to have:
money in the bank
health insurance
a reliable car
heat in my house
and food in my refrigerator.

I am thankful for so many things that I couldn't list them all. There are so many things that I have had to take a harder look at in my life this year and re-evaluate. I have had a few wake up calls which have caused me to change a priority or two to say the least. I am so thankful for my family and the good health the Lord has blessed us with. Everything else is just icing on the cake.