Good Morning Maysters!
And happy Sunday...whats on your agenda for today? Me, I'm stuck at work...
with the kid (oh joy). After work I have to rush to Great Clips to get Ty a haircut for his 3:50 Target X-Mas picture appointment. Now this should be fun since I don't get off till 3.
After the pics, I'm gonna head to NY&Company to take advantage of my 30% off...I need a long coat. After that I am going home, and taking a NAP!
I'll probably get up about 8 or 9, and do some housework and studying.
Today is a new day for me. I am starting my food journal again, as well as keeping track on fitday. I have a mini goal this week before I see my grandparents...and basically I guess I'm just sick of messing up. I have to much control over this.

Good morning Beautiful!
It was a late night for me! A friend of a friend turned 21 yesterday and I decided to go out with them for a while. Man do I feel OLD! But, we had a blast! Hung out at the regular hang-out for a while, went to an 80s dance club and TORE IT UP! Then, when I finally got home around 2:30am, I showed my appreciation to Aaron for letting me go out while he stayed with the baby...
Needless to say, we just got up. Livvie came upstairs around 7am and got in bed with us and believe it or not, went back to sleep! We didn't get up until about 9am! I haven't slept that late FOREVER! Typically, 7 is major sleeping in for me!
Later today, we're going to go grocery shopping and I'm going to bake a couple of sf pies to take to work tomorrow. If they turn out well, I'll share the recipes with ya'll!
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot - all the dancing last night must have done something, I'm not OFFICIALLY a member of the Century Club - 186, baby!!!

LOL, LOL ! It is 9:30p, and I got absoultely nothing accomplished today. Realized that I hadn't packed Ty's shirt, or the coupon! So we got a haircut, went to Walmart, came home and watched TMNT, and just woke up from a 3 hr nap! It was tommorow at 9:50, and if I'm feeling good, I might just jump in myself. Like many of you, I don't run from the camera any longer!