6 Month's Today
Well, today I am six months post op.
This has been a very depressing month. (I really hate those scales)
I've lost 10 lbs this month, and 9.5 inches for a GRAND TOTAL of
103 lbs gone, gone, gone!!!
And for the inches: (this is unbelievable to me)
Neck 16 1/2 start 13 1/2 now = 3 inches
Up Arm 16 1/2 start 12 1/2 now = 4 inches
Bust 44 start 38 now = 7 inches
Under Bust 41 start 32 1/2 now = 8.5 inches
Waist 46 start 33 now = 13 inches
Hips 52 start 39 now = 13 inches
Thigh 29 start 21 now = 8 inches
Calf 18 1/2 start 15 now = 3.5 inches
Ankle 10 1/2 start 8 1/2 now = 2 inches
Total inches gone 79.5 inches !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm loving my clothes now, and not wearing "tents" anymore! Now I just want to work my calves and get them smaller so I can buy some knee high boots that are soo sexy!!!!

Laurie... that is so awesome. I wish so bad that I would have measured myself like that. I would love to know what the differences are.
I started at 282 and I am down to 194. My six month date was 11-15-05.
I am looking forward to my calves getting a little smaller too. I have tried on a few pair of boots that go to the knee... one pair actually zipped up and the others only go half way. LOL... but I too am determined to wear some sexy knee high boots too that are SOOOOOO SEXY. LOL
I can not believe that I can get into some of the clothes that I am wearing... I always go to larger sizes when I try stuff on, only to have to go down to a smaller size. Right now, I am still wearing plus sizes...(ranging from 14 - 18... depending on how things fit). My hope is to be able to get into misses sizes soon. I can not wait to experience this. People say that they don't think that I look like I wear plus sizes anymore... but... I DO. Good Luck to you!!!! Keep up the good work. 103 lbs. is GREAT. YOU GO GIRL!!!! Looking forward to catching up with you!!!