Pre-Holiday Roll Call: Maysters Check In
Q: So, what's up in your life for the next week?
Let's see...
Tomorrow: Support Group in the morning and I have to go to my office for about an hour tomorrow evening - releasing software and have to do a spot check that all got released intact. Should be fast.
Monday: Got my sestamibi scan (parathyroid) Monday morning. I go get injected with nuclear waste and get a few pictures taken then get sent away for 2 hours and then back for more pictures. Monday night, another support group meeting.
Wednesday: Got an appointment to see my surgeon. Will discuss my weird left foot, my MRCP results and whatever else.
Thursday: We are taking Rich's folks out for Thanksgiving dinner. They aren't in good enough shape to come to our condo. The walk up the sidewalk is hard for them even though only 3 stairs involved. But there are no railings and they don't do grass - too uneven.
Friday: May work for part of the day.
T-Day Weekend: Putting up the Christmas tree and decorations with Rich. I went for several years without - long ugly story. It is very important to me.
Are you traveling? Nope.
Are you having guests? Nope.
Going to have an holiday food issues you want to discuss? Nope. We are eating out. They have a T-day menu but also their regular menu (seafood place). I may go for the a nice fish dinner. The T-day menu has mashed taters, candied sweet potatoes and cranberry - all of which I do not do. We'll see if I can substitute.
Hopefully Rich and I will make a crustless pumpkin pie with splenda so we can get some taste of the holiday.
BTW, one of our "lite" radio stations switched to Christmas music today. I never ever remember Christmas music on my birthday before!!!

Tomorrow... Well, I'll save that for another post - it's a surprise!
Sunday, gonna try out a couple of sf pie recipes so I can use my office-mates as guinea pigs before the holidays.
Monday - Wednesday - slog through work.
Thursday - dinner at my sisters. She's a nurse and works that day so my brother-in-law always cooks. Let's see, it'll be:
Me, Aaron and our 2 hellions
My sister, her husband and their 3 hellions
My Nephew and his girlfriend
My brother, his wife, and THEIR 2 hellions
My cousin, his wife, and their FOUR hellions
My brother-in-law's mom
Possibly my sister's grandma and her 'friend' (We're half-sisters)
Possibly one or both of my bro-in-law's sisters and THEIR assorted hellions
Oh yea, my dad...
And more than likely, a few assorted friends that will drop by in the evening for euchre...
Friday after T-day I'm going to be recuperating from all the hellions...
No shopping for me - you couldn't PAY me to go shopping on Black Friday...
Saturday after T-day, to Ohio for Aaron's family: Parents, grandma, aunt and uncle, cousin, wife and baby, possibly my dad, bro and sis-in-laws and their twin foster babies...
Sunday - recuperating from the in-laws... Probably won't do Christmas decorations for another week or so - with the baby and the cat and dogs, it's better to delay it a little...
Whew, I'm freaking exhausted already!

So, what's up in your life for the next week? Let's see.. I'm working Mon-Weds., Monday I am attending my surgeon's seminar with two people I am sponsoring as possible pre-ops, and I'm speaking as a post-op.
Are you traveling? Yes, We're going to my parents in San Clemente (beach) for a couple days. We booked a room for 2 nights. Thursday 3 of my 4 sisters and my brother and his family will be there. Friday we're going to "Puttin on the Glitz"- a big Christmas festival that always gets everyone in the spirit! Saturday morning we'll probably drive to Anaheim and meet my brother and his family at Disneyland for the day, then spend the night at their house. Drive home on Sunday morning.
Are you having guests? no
Going to have an holiday food issues you want to discuss? No- my mom is the best cook ever, and I plan to eat on Thanksgiving. Of course, I know my limitations, but I feel it's really important to live as normal of a life as possible. Of course, I'll avoid the dishes with sugar, but I'm not bummed about that.
Tomorrow (Saturday) I am taking the kids to paint holiday ornaments that are going to be sold for hurricane relief funds.
Sunday will be rest and shopping for Thursday
Monday blood work 13 different test ordered
Tuesday is Endoscope day hopefully answer day also
Wednesday is prep day and cleaning day for Thursday
Thurday I have 17 people comming to lunch. Then I am packing up the kids and traveling to my ex mom in laws to spend the night.
Friday is MRI for my son
Food issues LOL Yeah I can't eat. Hopefully I will be able to keep a bite of turkey down.
getting ready to have my in-laws in for Thanksgiving, then getting ready for my son's 3rd birthday on the 28th, and my shoulder surgery on the 7th! The next 2 weeks will be super busy for us!
Nope, not going anywhere!
Yes, my MIL, FIL, SIL, BIL, and my 2 nieces. I didn't cook this year (we usually go out to eat) but ordered a nice turkey dinner from a local catering place here in town. It is going to be yummy, I whink.
Nope no real food issues. I eat to live now. Just want some good turkey. Could care less about the pie and rolls! LOL
What about you?
So, what's up in your life for the next week? Well today (Saturday) I'm going to do my Thanksgiving grocery shopping in the morning, then tonight I'm heading to Atlantic City with my cousin Julie and her friend to the HIM concert at the House of Blues...Sunday I'm going wedding dress shopping with my mom!! (I'll post the pics we take so everyone can see!) Then normal work week next Mon-Weds. Thurs is Thanksgiving at my aunts house. Friday I have to work and then Saturday my aunts are baking Christmas cookies with the whole family!! Whew, what a big week!
Are you traveling? Just about 15 mins to my aunts house.
Are you having guests? Nope I get to be the guests this year.
Going to have an holiday food issues you want to discuss? I'm hoping not...We shall see though!

Today: I'm beading, making changable bracelets for my medical alert bracelet, and making some Christmas gifts... It's soooo fun!!
Tomorrow: Church, then lounging around the house
Monday: Dr. appointment, getting labs done and b12 shot. I've had major dizzy spells this week, so i'm thinking my iron is gonna be low. Then going into the office for a couple of hours.
Tuesday: NOTHING is on the calender!!!! YIPPIE
Wednesday: Community Service at church. I'll be in the office for a few hours too. And stopping in at WalMart. We always buy a new game to play over Thanksgiving....haven't picked on out yet though.
Thursday: Turkey Day..... game playing
Friday: SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's my week.
We're not traveling!!
We're not having guests
And I dont' plan on any holiday food issues, cuz we're cooking "Mommy Friendly" foods.
Well, let me see:
Saturday, clean the house and help me daughter and my nephew with school projects.
Sunday, church, walk the dogs, and help with projects
Mon and Tues work.
Wednesday, Help my daughter with her project, fix broccoli and cheese casserole and chocolate cake for Thanksgiving.
Thursday, Thanksgiving Dinner at my sisters house, About 60 people. Put up Christmas Tree, maybe go see the Tree Lighting ceremony at Lenox Mall.
Friday, Shop Til I Drop!!!!!!!!!!!!!