Happy Birthday Kathy???!!!
Yup, todays the day Aliya! Thanks so much!
My day is okay. Had a meltdown earlier. Having trouble with my left foot. Seems like "drop foot" rather than just it falling asleep. I realize that I cannot pull my toes up towards my skin. Made me jump to all conclusions like B-12 deficiency - poor Rich had to listen to my hysterics on the phone. My doc is out of town. I do see surgeon Wednesday. I'm very worried about neuropathy. Already have a small bit from diabetes and some in my right leg now and then leftover from my back problems.
You have a great one and thanks for thinking of me!
Hugs, Kathy
I'm not pleased waiting til Wednesday but my regular doc is off for the week.
I dunno, can we wait that long?
I've been excellent about taking my vitamins. I realize looking at the blood work I've had done...my B12 wasn't checked. But then again B12 can look normal and not be in good shape. Apparently there are two other things to check: MMA and homocyteine (sp?) that tell how efficiently the body is using the B12.
I have a regular doc appointment on Monday the 28th. This was scheduled for a while. I set this up to do my next round of blood tests and to followup on all my doings. Also, ironic enough, I planned on asking her about having Rich and I both switch to B12 shots since I had done some research and didn't like what I was reading (Mayo clinic) on the percentage of post-ops getting neuropathy.
Thanks for listening to my whining! I do appreciate it.
Hugs again, Kathy

cough... cough.. ahem...
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu
Happy Birthday Dear Kathyyyyy
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu 
What a drag you are having some problems, but stay positive and try and enjoy your day. If we lived closer I'd take ya out and split a dinner with with ya since hubby's workin'.
I've also been concerned about this neuropathy Kathy, I've started having restless legs at night and am wondering if there is a connection.
Can you tell me how you came across the WLS and neuropathy connection. I'd love to read it.
Hope you have a wonderful evening and a super year!!
love, Barb

My you are in excellent voice today, Barb! Thank you!
I'm not sure that restless leg is related to neuropathy. Are you getting squirmy or pain in the leg? Sometimes pain in the leg can indicate a potassium deficiency.
As for peripheral neuropathy, this study from the Mayo Clinic is the one that is echoed around the internet.
The key is that we have the power to most likely eliminate the risk of neuropathy and if caught early enough...we can reverse it.
Hugs, Kathy