:-) 6 month checkup!
I saw the doctor yesterday and he was pleased with my weight loss. I was down 73 lbs on his scale. My actual 6 month anniversary is really 11/23. He said I obviously was doing it right. I said that the loss is really slowing down and he said "not much to be down 73 lbs at this stage!" That really made me feel better. We discussed goal weights. He asked me what I thought and I told him I wanted to be 136. He thought that might be a little light for me that the tables say I should be between 144 and 159 but to go ahead and shoot for it and see how I feel. He also thought I'd be down around 140 by my 1 year anniversary. I think that my be a little optimistic but I'll do my best. I'm actually thinking I'll be between 150 and 160. I'm losing between 8-10 lbs a month right now and I know it will slow down the closer I get to goal. He asked me about my exercise and I told him that I'm going to the gym between 3-5 times a week and get at least 1 hour in. He said if I can get 4-5 times a week in that I'll see a steady loss. So, that's my challenge...to increase the frequency of my exercise. All in all, I'm very pleased with my checkup.

I go tomorrow afternoon for my 6 month and I can't wait.
I am down 80 lbs on my scale which brings me to about 179 right now.
I am just hoping to get to around 150, but I guess its possible to go even lower. I haven't discussed the numbers with my surgeon yet - maybe that is what I do tomorrow.