OT/Hate my boss
Well I don't really hate her, but she is getting on my friggin nerves. Most days I am a bundle of sunshine, especially since I come in at noon, and have had a relaxing morning. I'm a pretty social person,
so I speak to everyone...well you know what this heifer said to me today? She said..."Aliya I need you to not be so social when you come in, I notice that the majority of your work gets done during the last 2 hrs". OK, everyone knows that I'm just biding my time til I graduate,
but the work gets done...Isn't that the bottom line? And the job isnt even that serious.I mean I've been working for 12 years, and I have a very strong work ethic, but sometimes I feel like I'm in kindergarten, with the way she nitpicks. And its only as of late, since I've been more stylish and happy and such...Is she hating? I think so! AAGGGGGHHHH
Thanks for letting me vent.

My friend has the same issue. I think that some people have a hard time with others' success. You get your work done, you are lookin fine, people like you, and you have much less stress than she does....
I'm suprised she doesn't ride you harder.....
Vent all you want... Some people just like to be miserable and take other's with them....
Just smile... it ticks them off even more
Kate Z

I think maybe she is envious that people are social with you and not her. I am sure your weight loss just compounds that as well. You cant help it if they dont want to be social with her, I dont know about you but I dont go to work to be a robot if I cant socialize then I dont want to be there!
But, you do need the job so like you said just bide your time and oh yeah make sure you are NOT social with her!