Anyone out there know slang?
Ok... Kind of a Wow moment.
I'm in the local store, I happen to be the only woman in the place. There is a crew from a roofing company behind me in line. They are speaking in Portuguese which I can understand (for the most part). One of the Kids (anyone under 30 is a kid to me) says to his friend that "she has a nice ass". Now I kinda looked around to see who he was looking at. He just smiled at me and said something about me being a "Dime".
I thanked him in Portuguese and said he wasn't half bad himself. His chin dropped and his friends started laughing at him....
I giggled all the way back to my car... But.... What the hell is a "Dime". Anyone, Anyone, Bueller?
Kate Z

Revision on 10/29/12
THAT IS AWESOME!!!! You go girl!!! I wish I could have seen his face when you responded in Portuguese!!! Hugs, Stef