I KNOW I have been stupid...
I have to confess I haven't seen my doc since my two month date
Just can't bring myself to go...
Yesterday I started feeling REALLY 'speedy'...my hands were shaky and stuff...
You know...like when you took the REALLY old diet pills years ago
The only change I have made is that I have slacked off a bit of my beloved red bull and started the sublingual B's...could it take a bit to get used to this?!?! Maybe that is what is up with the shakey stuff???

I have read that many people begin to have problems with low blood sugar after WLS. Do you have a glucometer? Try and eat a protein and carb snack (I eat a few peanut butter crackers) and see if that helps. A glass of milk should help too if the shakes are from low blood sugar.
I won't say you definately better get your hiney to the doc tho... ahem...
You've received good advice, my Dr. warned me about the possibility of low blood sugar with side effects like what you've mentioned. She recommended drinking a glass of milk if it happens because that will help level it out rather than eating something sugary. You probably should check with your Dr. to make sure all is okay. Better safe than sorry. I hope you're feeling much much better very soon!
Take care & a big hug!
When you felt shakey, how long had it been since you last ate? Also, what had you eaten?
The B12 shouldn't cause any effect. Slacking off the Red Bull might give you a headache if you were going through caffeine withdrawth.
Most likely, you experienced either low blood sugar from not eating regularly enough or a bout of reactive hypoglycemia. Post-ops sometimes have issues with one or the other or both. Low blood sugar comes from not eating often enough. I got used to that being on diabetic meds so I am very good about eating every 3-4 hours or so. Reactive hypoglycemia usually is a overreation of the body to a carby meal. What happens is that instead of your body giving off the right amount of insulin to cover what you have eaten...it gives off too much insulin causing your blood sugar to plummet. Ways to avoid it - eat regularly and make sure your meals are not carb loaded and if you do eat carbs make sure to have a mix of fats and protein too. Fat and protein added to the mix slow down the bodies reaction to carbs a bit since they break down differently.
As far as not going to the doctor in 4 months, don't make me put my pointy toed cowgirl boots on and come down to Texas and kick your arse all the way to the surgeon's office, ya here????