Thinking of you all!
Just wanted to check in...say hello...tell you how much I miss you guys. It stinks working at this other clinic, where I don't have easy access to the internet.
I'm doing well. I have good days with eating and bad days with eating. I don't drink enough water anymore.
I exercise every day, and I met a huge goal.
I told my son that when I lost 150 pounds, I'd get a bike and go riding with him. He has since asked me nearly every week if it was time yet.
At my 6 month check up, I'd lost 143 pounds. I figured that's close enough! I bought a cheap used bike and went out for my first ride in about 20 years. It was glorious! Ever so much better than the stationary bike. My son and I had a wonderful time riding around our neighborhood!
Is anyone else going to the California convention in a few weeks?

Julie, I've missed seeing your beautiful smiling face! So nice to see you again. Congratulations, 143 pounds is wonderful and a bike ride with your son is even better!!!
My daughter keeps asking me when I'll be able to ride bikes with her... you have inspired me to look into buying a cheap one. I know you've got to feel SUPER!

Revision on 10/29/12
Julie.... 143 lbs is simply amazing!!! That bike ride must have been wonderful! Congrats to you!!!!! Keep up the great work! Hugs, Stef
Congratulations on the weight loss!!! You are doing amazing! I am so jazzed for you that you are down so much, that is awesome!!!!
I will be at the Convention in December! My support group leader is Dr. Monica Ganz who is the organizer of the event, so I am pretty sure I'll be helping out with things too. I really hope we can meet up.
Have you got your outfit planned for the Formal Dinner Dance on Saturday? It should be so much fun.
Take Care,
It'd be great to meet you in person, Deanna! We should set a time/place.
I don't have an outfit planned. I can't afford to buy anything, and all the stuff I have from clothing exchanges, etc is nice, but not dressy enough.
I'll go, but I'll be really dressed down I think, so I'm not super excited about it or anything.
Talk to you soon!
Hey, Frogger...I mean Julie!
Nice to see you.
You are doing fabulous! Congratulations on the 143 lbs and the "new" bike and new found riding freedom. I'm glad that your son is benefiting from your weight loss. The time together, I'm sure, is worth it all and then some!
Have fun at the convention!
Hugs, Kathy