Need your positive vibes and prayers...
Well, I must say it has been a couple of rough weeks for me. Fortunately, it had nothing to do with my WLS, but I had some health issues come up. I began feeling bad on 10/25/05 (coughing my head off) so I went to my doctor who put me on antibiotics and said it was walking pnuemonia. On 10/28/05, I was making my little girl breakfast and felt nauseated. I figured that I could make it to get her cream of wheat in the microwave then I would go sit down while it was cooking. The last thing I remember is hearing the bowl hit the glass in the microwave. The next thing I remember, I was on the floor with cream of wheat everywhere and my little girl (who is only 2 years old) was backed up against the stove crying. I told her to go get the phone for mommy and she immediately did and then laid down on my chest. I called my mom and told her that I needed help. She came and got me and I spent the night at my mom and dad's. On Saturday, I decided to go back home. By this time, I was really beginning to have difficulty breathing and was taking a breathing treatment every four hours. On Sunday, I realized that my kids hadn't carved their pumpkin yet so I went to the kitchen to help them carve their pumpkin. I started feeling funny again and my son (who is 8) looked at me and said, "Mom, are you alright?" He tried to get me back to the living room, but we didn't make it. I slumped down onto the kitchen floor. He called my mom who immediately came over and took me to the hospital. When I got there, I could barely write my name on the paperwork. They began a battery of test. My oxygen was down to 57 (normal is 98 or higher). They admitted me for pnuemonia and a blood clot in my right lung. I was also dehydrated. I was in the hospital for four days. My discharge bloodwork showed that my white blood cell count was back down, however my liver panel is showing abnormal (the hospital doctor seemed to think that it was my gastric bypass that made it show up funny?) and my blood count was down (but not low enough to transfuse). I'm still feeling very lightheaded if I move to quickly or when I rise from a sitting to a standing position. I'm hoping that it is just my blood count being low (possible from the blood thinners that they gave me in the hospital to break up the clot). I was supposed to go back to Dr. Hodge today, but I just don't think that I can drive that far right now. I will be following up with my PCP later this week to recheck the blood count and the liver problem. I really hope that everything comes back OK.
As far as weight loss, I'm only down to 180lbs because of all of the fluids that they gave me in the hospital. I went into the hospital weighing 182, but shot up to 187 because of the IV fluids. Today is my first day back at work and I'm really hoping that I can make it a full eight hours.
Heather, Take care of you. Don't be afraid or proud to ask for help. Also don't let them tell you that abnormal test are because of the bypass. The liver panel should have nothing to do with your surgery. Get it checked please. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Let us know what is happening.