Snow skiing wow moments
I used to get season passes at Alta, UT and ski 30-40 days per winter. But, in the last few years I have not skiied at *all* because I felt too fat (try getting up after falling in deep powder at 300 pounds
Well, I'm all done with that, and I'm *ready* to ski. Of course the weather is not cooperating this year for a Thanksgiving opener, but I can be patient (not!).
Having skiied over years where I weighed anywhere from 180-300 lbs. I had a range of clothes. Last night I was trying on ski clothes and my size 14 jacket fits great (it's beautiful, too). I wish I could find the size 14 ski pants, but they're long gone. I just ordered a pair of size L ski pants from
I'm going to go get my skis out and take them for a grind and tune.
I am *so* excited!!! (can you tell?) I am in great aerobic shape. I can hardly wait.

That would be great! I am serious about my goals to want to ski when I'm under 200 lbs. If you want to email me off the list, I can make arrangements to pick them up! My email is [email protected].
Thanks so much!
That is AWESOME! I've never skiied and really haven't ever considered it because of my weight and because I never lived terribly close to a ski area. Now that I'm getting smaller it sounds like lots of fun and something I may have to find time to do too. You enjoy yourself and those cute little ski clothes you can now wear!