Day 2 Protein,Water,Vitamins & Exercise
Hey Family
sorry for the late post...I'm having CRAZY CRAMPS!
We did a FANTASTIC JOB yesterday...and today will be even better!
Here's my schedule
6am 2.5 walk
after walking: Nectar Protein 23g protein
Breakfast: 1boiled egg & 2sclices of bacon 14g protein
snack: nectar protein 23g protein
lunch: StarKist Tuna Fillet (5oz) 26g protein
snack: nectar protein 23g protein
dinner: Starkist Tuna Fillet over lettuce (2.5oz) 14g protein
I will get in 90oz of water today..and take ALL my viatmins. :cool

Iron 65 mg - Done
2.5 mile warm up no more than 12 min mile- Done
Bugs bunny chewable- Done
SF red bull- Done
iron 65mg- Done
2 eggs 13 protein- Done
64 oz water- Done
½ daily chewable calcium supplement- Done
1 cup decaf hazelnut coffee with sweet n low- Done
Isopure protein 25protien- Done
tuna 21 protein- Done
Bugs bunny chewable- Done
64 oz water- Done
Isopure protein 25protien
iron 65mg
SF Redbull
Bugs bunny chewable
Romaine salad with Feta cheese 5 gm protein
½ daily chewable calcium supplement
2 SF popsicles
You are doing GREAT job? While in the supermarket a couple of weeks ago shopping for HEALTHY FOODS
I discovered these 3-4oz packets of Tuna & Albacore Steaks, and lets just say that they are GOOD. They go well with my lunch, with salad greens, and even better for dinner with some steamed green beans. They are packed with PROTEIN and have 0-3 carbs. Have you tried them?

hey you!!!!
Sorry about jumping the gun earlier...I was afraid you weren't going to make it online and wanted to keep your plan going
I have seen those steaks, but never tasted them...I WILL for sure now!
I have been getting the little 3 oz pop top albacore in water cans...sold in a pack of three...these are SO easy for me to take to work and eat this way...BUT aren't particuarily 'yummy' ...just plain ole' tuna : )
cOOL beans! I will have to try those!!!
love ya,

OK -- I am back in town and ready to play.
Here's today's schedule:
Breakfast: Protein bar & 2 low fat string cheese
Lunch: Homemade Turkey Chili & low carb tortilla
Dinner: Plan on chicken breast and veggies
Supplements: Vitamins, B1, Biotin & Calcium
Water: On track to get in over 100 oz. plus some Fruit2O and Crystal Light
EXERCISE: Not gonna happen today or tomorrow
Preparing for outpatient surgery tomorrow. Will be back on track on Thursday!
I love getting to report in! Those albacore steaks sound great! I'll have to find them here in Vegas.
Good Job everyone! ANG

Just finished dinner but here's what I had today so far:
B - Kashi Go Lean Cereal 110 cal. 13 grams of protein
1/2 cup milk 45 calories 4 grams protein
L - Tuna Fish - 98 calories 13 grams protein
S - cheese - ??calories 7 grams protein
D - meatloaf 148 calories 17 grams protein
So I'm at 54 grams of protein today. I'll have a hot choc with protein later tonight so that will add in about 10 more grams. Still not quite high enough, but I'm getting there.
Exercise - woooo hooo went on a 5 mile bike ride today with the family. It was great!!! I'll try to do the gazelle tonight as well.
Meds - WoooooHooooo
survived my first doses of all my new medications!!!! But I just re-read my new vitamins and I'm supposed to be taking two a day and not one. So now I'll have to add another in to my evening pill taking!!

I'm off my regiment today since I had my endoscopy and couldn't eat. But so far, I had:
B: Nectar Protein 34 grams (scoop and a half)
Nectar Protein 23 grams (scoop)
20 oz of water
After endoscopy
2 saltines with one pat of peanut butter courtesy of the hospital who didn't like my blood sugar at 65 - I warned them having me go too many hours without sustenance wasn't good. Of course, the peanut butter is causing me a very light dump. Argh.
Sips of water.
Now I'm having another Nectar Protein 34 grammer.
Will have dinner of some sort later and a protein shake before bed.
No exercise today with my test. I'm laying low.