Hi, I just found this site last week. I have been lurking around reading posts and profiles. I thought it was about time I introduced myself.
I had my surgery at the end of May. I have lost 73 lbs at my last weigh in. I try to only weigh about once a month unless I see the doctor. My husband put the scale under the couch. He will only pull it out on the first of the month for me. If he leaves it out I weigh about 3 times a day!
I wasn't the best at taking my vitamins until my labs came back. I have been very good ever since. My albumin and folic acid was low and my liver enzymes were up. I had a gallbladder ultrasound and I have accrued some sludge. It was spotless before surgery. I have no symptoms so I am hoping for the best.
I have broken down my weight into groups - my diabetes weight(70 lbs - gone!), quit smoking weight, freshman 15 (more like 25), after baby weight, pregnancy weight, and I'm married now weight. I would like to lose the quit smoking weight be Christmas - a lofty goal! I am really going to have to step up the exercise to make it. I am hoping this site will keep me motivated.
Anyway, that is enough boring info about me. It is nice to meet you all. I hope we become friends.
Hi 7 nice to meet'cha. I am from San Antonio and spent many many nights drunk at the bea*****C. lol Welcome to the May board, everyone here is great about supporting each other. I lurk a LOT but that doesnt mean I dont love these people, we have all gone through a LOT to get where we are today! I had my surgery 6 days before you and have only lost 75 pounds. I have 48 more to go to be at goal. Good luck to you in your weight loss and keep up the good work!!