Happy Sunday, Everyone!
It's a gorgeous day here in VA. In the 70s with a bit of wind but just lovely. Have the front door open and our storm door screen in and the air is lovely.
We started off this morning with protein shakes and showers. Then we do some food shopping and off to a local Greek restaurant to split a large Greek salad with grilled chicken. We brought home the extra. Now, that's one big salad!
Next, picked up the dog at my ex-husband's house today. She is a sweetheart. We share custody. We'll have her for a couple of weeks and then I'll bring her back. She really belongs with me...must healthier environment but she was his dog for years long before I met her...I mean him.
She is getting old. Hate seeing it happen. But she has done great for being 17 3/4 years old.
Rich just got done making taco meat...we'll have taco salads for the next couple of days. Yummers and great protein source! Now he is making peanut butter cookies - those ones with splenda (1 cup peanut butter (works best 1/2 crunchy to 1/2 smooth), 1 cup splenda, 1 egg, 1 tsp vanilla). They are crumbly but good. He is also making another batch that has some SF chocolate chips (no sugar alcohols just splenda) in them. We haven't tried that yet. Nice to be able to have a treat once in a while.
I've got laundry going and then plan on tackling some paperwork or a clothing pile to sort through while watching the tube - football or the food network. Ahhhh. Now that's a day.
Dinner will be a piece of hazelnut encrusted tilapia w/ tartar sauce and fresh asparagus. We got one big honking piece and will split it.
That's our day! Enjoy yours!

Hey Kathy,
You sound perky today! How are you feeling...lets see just took the love of my life to a 2 yr old's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese...joy...and now I'm stuck at work. I've gotten a lot of rest now that I gave up the 2nd job, and I feel so focused on everything going on in my life...from school, to just being a barriatric patient. The guys have the game on here, so I'm gonna do some homework! See ya, and have a great one!
I'm trying to fool myself into being perky.
Seriously, I think that the medicine I've been on for the past 1.5-2 weeks is helping so that means my problem is an ulcer since I've seen improvement. For example, my protein shake doesn't seem to cause pain anymore where it did before. My calcium tablets elicit some discomfort. Anyway seeing an improvement is definitely a relief off my mind though I won't be sure until Tuesday and my endoscopy. Time will truly tell as we see if the pain totally goes away with the medicine.
Love of your life??? What am I missing??? Am I behind the times or what???
Hit those books! Study hard!

Where do you get SF chocolcate chips without sugar alcohols? (Notice I jumped right into the chocolate aspect of your message!) I've never heard of those and might be nice to incorporate into a recipe.
Sounds like you've had a productive and healthy day eating-wise! Hope your week continues that way!
I bought them at a store that is now closed but they are made by carbsense.