It's Official
The "P" word can now be heard whispered from my trembling lips...
The very word I hate to see bantered around. The very word I fear (dramatic license here).
183. 183. 183.
That are my last 3 weekly weigh-ins. I am growing tired of that number. Actually two weeks ago, the scale dropped to 181 and then bounced back up to 183 where it has basically remained.
Of course what is gnawing at me is an article I read that talked about medicines that yield weight gain and prevacid was on the list. I just started that about 10 days ago and of course it coincides with the "P" word and I want so desperately to blame it.
I'm not beating myself up. I'm not truly worried or concerned. I'm not going to change anything - heck, there isn't much to change. I'll just keep doing what I've been doing and hope to see some movement in the future.
Kathy 183 (Like the movie Turk 182)
OMG - I loved that movie!
Kathy, I totally feel for you. It's so frustrating. And if you're anything like me, you're just as frustrated by the fact that it frustrates you as you are frustrated to begin with... Okay, that didn't make a lot of sense, did it?
You've done so well, it's just time for your body to take a break. 3 weeks isn't a P-P-P-p-p... Okay, you know, the "P-word"... It's just a break. A rest.
I understood that.
I'm the biggest one to stare at folks messages shaking my head that post complaints about not losing one week and ask "am I done losing weight" yada yada yada.
I didn't post to whine. Cuz believe me...if I was whining you'd know it!
I was just embracing and acknowledging my "P"...or should I say...I'm embracing and acknowledging my rest/break. Yea, that's the ticket.
Pffffttt to the "P" word!
Kathy 183 (apparently taking a rest/break)
I know you weren't whining or complaining! I hope you don't think I thought that!
I just know it's easy to look at it outside the situation and say, "Well yeah, it'll be okay, it's not a plateau." but when it's happening to you personally, it takes on a whole new dynamic...
Rest, break, plateau, stall, whatever, it sucks, don't it?
You are so right Wanda. I'm having abdominal bloating issues to deal with too. I can tell by the way my pants fit. Pants that were baggy a few weeks ago are a bit uncomfortable. PMS is over and done with so that isn't it. I'm being as patient as possible.
Right now, I'd just be happy to have my pain go away. That's the goal.
You have a great weekend too!