"Female" Question
I found a great solution to moodiness! It's called Sarafem!! It works wonders w/ all of the PMS symptoms including the physical ones! Since we aren't suppose to take ibuprofen this is a great replacement. Midol used to be my best friend but after surgery I had to stop taking it and my husband wanted to leave me every month until I found Sarafem!
342/203/hoping for 175

I have been having the same screwy things going on as well. I work for an OB/ GYN and asked one of the docs what could be going on and she said it's probably because I have lost so much weight in such a short amount of time that it's throwing my cycle off. Mine has gone from being normal every month since it started to being early and flowing for 8-9 days and heavy! It is very frustrating
! I was also told that if this continues that I may want to go on BCPs to get my cycles back on track again. It's kinda funny since I had a tubal done at the time of the birth of my youngest son. Who woulda thought this would be a side effect
For the weight loss, it's worth it!
Take care and I hope this helps!
342/203/hoping for 175