"Female" Question
Sorry guys, that wasn't a teaser headline, it's really a female question.
**** Warning - Too Much Info Post Follows ****
What are your cycles like after surgery?????? Mine are so totally screwed up.
Month one was sort of normal
Month two was normal
Month three was non exsistant
Month four was a major freekin' nightmare. I went through double protection in two hours... for three straight days/nights!!!!
Month five has shown up a week early and promises to be just as bad as month four!!
Now today, I'm feeling pretty crappy and dizzy. Wondering if I'm turning anemic from this?
Anyone else all screwed up????

Yeah, but I don't know how much of it is WLS and how much isn't...
I wasn't having periods before surgery and my doc put me on something to get them going again, right after WLS. For a couple of months, everything was fine. Shortly after, I began all the fun procedures which really screwed things up.
My last "period" was middle of September. The last week of September I had my biopsy, which caused additional symptoms. A week and a half after THAT stopped, about mid-October, I had very light period, and I started again yesterday and so far it's been pretty miserable.
I couldn't figure out why I've been so grouchy, I mean, just generally pissy with everyone and no patience. I wasn't due, so it didn't cross my mind...
Hopefully, I'll start getting into a more normal schedule.

My periods were screwy before WLS, but since they have been even "weirder."
I had surgery May 31 and my first post-op period appeared in mid-June. That one was ok although I had a lot of intestinal problems the day before it started.
July - nothing
August - nothing
September - appeared early in month
October - appeared late in month
The last 2 were the nightmares you described. I got pms BIG time the day before and I didn't know what was happening ~ I cried, I was pissy and I couldn't control it, I was tired, my stomach rumbled, I couldn't eat - (my poor husband had to put up with me). Then when it started, I had to wear overnight protection around the clock for the first 3 days and the first night I slept in the recliner so I didn't disturb my husband by having to get up to use the bathroom every few hours. The only good thing is that so far I don't get cramps like I used to before WLS. I can't decide if I would rather trade the emotional moodiness for the pain though. It is crazy!

Mine have been a bit odd since surgery as well. I had two in one month, then none for like 4-5 weeks, and, like you said, some have been REALLY heavy. And yes, I get really light headed and dizzy during my cycle. I did try one month (don't know why I haven't since) taking extra iron a few days before and the first few days of my period and that seemed to help some and staying REALLY well hydrated.
Who's been way too busy lately!

Estrogen is stored in fat. As we burn that fat we have all of this free floating estrogen in our systems. This has been attributed to our Extreme PMS Sx as well as screwy cycles. My OB warned me that I would see exactly what you all have been talking about .....me I am the odd ball. I am now regular as clock work. PMS? yes but no one has died yet! ;)
Thanks for this post!
Before surgury, my cycle was very regular. Now my cycle has gotten real screwy! Two times a month seems to be the norm now! I spoke to my gyn, and she said that estrogen is stored in fat. As we burn that fat we have all of this free floating estrogen in our systems. And that will throw off a lot of things, so I'm not going to worry about it. Eventually it will be normal again.