Sometimes Wow Moments are so weird...
I was getting ready for work today. I noticed that:
1) my tights, which were pre-WLS, can actually be pulled all the way up OVER my girls, if I want to, and if I don't pull them up constantly, my ankles look like little black sharpei puppies...
2)my toilet seat/lid is plastic. In the past, if I sat on the lid to put on said tights, the top would cave in. Today, I was able to perch quite nicely without caving the top...
It's pretty weird when you consider tights and toilet seats as Wow Moments...
Your post made me smile because I notice all of those little things too -- and I love every single one of them. It makes me feel so good when I realize all of the little bitty things that change. The other day I thought I'd buy some new panties -- the last ones I had purchased were getting too big again. I went to a larger sized store where I've always bought them -- I then realized that the ones that are now too big are the smallest size they carry! I had to check about 5 times before I believed that I couldn't buy undies there anymore. Those little things make a BIG difference!
Enjoy all of your WOW moments!