Day 4 sugar check in
3 words - Down...In...Flames.
Halloween candy would not have sunk me. Other candies wouldn't have done it. But walking into my office this morning to home-made Tandy cakes? I blew it and had two 1-1/2" squares. I also had a sliver (and I do mean a sliver) of pumpkin cake as well.
This doesn't mean I have to give up. I lost a battle this morning, but I WILL win this war!
I should be fine the rest of the day. I'm bummed about this, but it'll motivate me.

The one thing that I think would be destructive for any of us is to be overly hard on ourselves for our little indulgences. You tasted it, its over, now move on and just take an extra walk for the next several nights. Park farther away from your office for a week or just go to the mall and make yourself walk for an hour. Then, forget about it (saying that in an Italian accent). You look great, I know you feel great and life will go on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1