Day 3 sugar check in was still hard today, but I think I'm over the hump. I had been keeping the leftover M&M's in my car from that day I had them last week, but had just been forgetting about them. Until today. I was leaving work and it occurred to me that they were in my car.
But I remembered you guys....I remembered my roller coaster ride....and I tried to dwell on the way I knew I would feel if I didn't eat them. I pulled out the bag...poured them out on the ground and STOMPED on them!
Sugar free for 3 days now!

Tom, it is so funny that you said that about the stomping. The other night I stopped at my daughters place on the way home from work. She had a candy bar there and I took it with me (I said for my hubby) but on the way I opened it and took a bite..then two...(then I hurried and threw the rest out of the window) without giving myself a chance to change my mind!! Good thing I did, the two bites I took left me feeling a bit weasy!!!