Poll: Halloween Candy
I would say a 1...
I LOVE chocolate, but there are so many decent alternatives LOL
like SF popsicles!!!
But to tell you the truth, if I wanted candy, I let myself have a small piece and leave it at that.
It is easier for me to satisfy that craving a small amount than feel like I am 'suffering'...lol how sad is that !
After all, for me anyway I don't think it is realistic to think that I won't EVER have a sweet treat again...I just won't LIVE off em'
love ya'll,
Oddly enough, the Halloween candy has not been a problem. We gave out Tootsie Roll Pops, which I used to really love. There's still a *giant* bowl of them, because we didn't have many visitors.
I've been really surprised with my candy "experience", because Halloween used to be a time where I *really* abused food. I used to buy bags of candy corn and eat the entire thing (felt really sick afterwards). I would also buy Snickers to give out, because I claimed I "didn't like them". Well, I liked them enough to eat some of them, although it could have been worse. I'm just telling myself that "I don't do that anymore". I'm trying to think like a thin person might. So far, it must be working.
I also think that a BIG part of the candy thing is that I am absolutely terrified of dumping. I haven't dumped yet, and really don't want to. I am a bit afraid that I might *not* be a dumper, but I don't want to find out -- keep it as a potential punishment for eating sugar.
I would rate it a 5. About what I thought. I had a "binge" of 5 fun size bars on Sunday night. It was totally senseless and not at att enjoyable. I don't event think I tasted 3 of them.
Last night, I did have one from the give out stash and I had a tiny Butterfinger from my daughter's bag, but I planned on that since Butterfingers are/were my desert island candy.
Can you believe it is November today?!