Poll: Halloween Candy
I was reading some posts on the main board about how difficult it was for people at work with all the candy and goodies today, or at home with candy for trick or treaters, or with little kids anticipating all the candy the kids will be bringing home.
We've already had a couple of events, so I already have 4 bags of candy here that the kids collected and of course we're going trick or treating tonight.
The candy being here bugs me, but it's not torturing like I thought it might, and not as bad as some people on the main boards have experienced.
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being no bother to 10 being agonizing, I'd give it a 3 or 4. I know it's there, it bugs me that I can't have it, but I get over it.
How would you rate your Halloween candy experience?
Well, I just got home to see the big bowl of 6 bags of candy that Rich bought this morning. There has been none at work yet.
I tell you...the stuff smells pretty darned good but I'm not tempted. DUMP, DUMP, DUMP or so I suspect and my suspicion is good enough to keep me away from them.
But boy oh boy did Rich buy the mother-of-all-candies. So many old time friends in that bowl. I'll spare everyone the names.
On the scale of 1 to 10...I'd say a 1.
Well, we just got home from trick or treating. The kids have WAAAYYYY too much candy. Holden's going to his dad's tonight, so I'll send his candy over there...
Most of Livvie's candy is going to work, I think. A 2 year old just doesn't need that much candy.
I wasn't tempted, even though there must be 10 Reese's cups between the two of them - those are my absolute favorite. I know how sick they'll make me so it wasn't even a battle to keep myself from eating them, but in a way, I felt kind of sad about it...

We don't get many kids in our neighborhood, but in the past I used Halloween as an excuse to buy *several* bags of my favorite small chocolate bars and then indulge to my heart's content. This year I bought only a few large bars, because I knew there would be no way I would open a large bar and try to take a bite. My kids are too old to go out, so I don't have the temptation of going through their candy anymore. I have a small bag of sugar free chocolate around in case I want some, but even those have too many calories for me, so I don't think I'll be getting into them. I am having a harder time with wanting baked goods instead of candy, but I had my first dumping experience last week, and don't want to go there again. I ate something that I thought was sugar free, and wasn't. It was too scary to knowingly eat sugar again.
On a scale of 1-10, Halloween has been a 2.
Debra M.
WOW!!!! This is the FIRST year EVER to go all through Halloween and NOT eat any candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would say that I'm proud of myself but really there was nothing to it.
We have a friend who's 11 and diabetic. We were going to a party that I knew he'd be at so i bought him his own SF candy. Turtles (my personal favorite) but even that didn't sound good to me at all.
My kids also have WAY too much!!!!!!!!!!!
But on a scale for 1 - 10 I'm definately a 1
That is so cool too.