The skinny on Roller Coasters!!
Hey you guys! I wanted to let you know about my fun-filled day with my husband and kids yesterday. I got up yesterday morning, and weighed first thing...yay!! Down another 2 pounds. So that makes it an official loss of 92 pounds thus far!!
Next, we left for Kings Island, an Amusement Park in Cincinnati, Ohio about 2 hours from our home. We had the best time, walked for hours and never got tired once!! I had chili for my lunch and it was great. But best of all.......
(And Tom can relate to this).....I rode the Roller Coaster with my daughter and husband and little boy and it was the most awesome feeling in the world!! Plenty of room for me and my daughter and the bar came down with ease!! I am crying as I type this because this too was one of my goals!! I will be setting another goal tonight, and that is, to take my little boy trickortreating and actually make it to more than just a couple of houses without tiring myself out!!!
I just wanted to share these couple of things with you guys, my friends, my confidants, my Mayster Buds!!!!

Weigh to go Lisa (pardon the pun).....
Are you dressing up for Halloween?.... My hubby and I are going to do some tricks tonight. I have a long driveway and the parents tend to stand at the bottom with their ?coffee?... We have a 5 foot theatrical bat that we've wired into the tree at the bottom of the drive.... When the parents are just standing there... we drop the bat down to eye level and scare the bejesus out of them.....
It's hilarious... My sides ache by the end of the night.
I wish everyone a Safe and Fun "All Hallows Eve"....
Kate Z