Orange Juice?
I havent attempted even diluted juice since coming home from the hospital. I do well with getting enough fruits in every day and am afraid of dumping on too much sugar in the OJ.
I drink the Crystal light fake Orange drink and it satifies that flavor craving I get for OJ.
The best of luck to you
Hey, Kat!
No, we don't drink juice anymore.
Have your tried liquid potassium? Or would that make you sick? Perhaps you could cut it with another liquid?
I do hope your ulcer is doing better soon!
Hugs to ya, Kathy

I have had a glass of OJ every day since about 3 weeks post op. Tho what i do is i take half oj half water, and then i mix in my liquid multi vit, thats oj/vanilla flavored. Mixed together it taste like good OJ, the more multi i put in the sweeter the taste. They also make a good oj you can buy in the little to go lunch box servings that have half the sugar, that taste great if you dont want i****ered down.
I drink a small glass of juice occasionally mainly because I try to reserve my 'real food' for protein. This is actually a concern of mine because of how little I can eat (it's getting more, but still not much) I'm full by the time I get my 3 oz or so of protein in, and a bite or two of veggies and a bite or two of starch (either potato, brown rice, pasta, etc) that I just don't have the 'room' to eat any fruit. (I do add them in smoothies sometimes, mostly in the form of banana or berries.) Then, at my next meal, same thing. So, while I'm drinking my fluids in between meals, I will occasionally get in a small (like 4-6 oz) of juice OR I will mix in some juice when I make a smoothy (rarely, but do sometimes).
340/239/wherever I stop