Grateful for the Sunshine....
Good Morning Maysters,
Autum is my favorite season. The weather here in MA has been aweful the last few weeks. This year, the leaves aren't doing their gentle color change/fall, they are being washed off the trees.
I was jogging this morning, slipped on some damp pine needles and went down. I braced myself for the impact and stopped a faceplant with my left hand.
As I took inventory, I was amazed that I didn't do any damage. Nothing hurt, I didn't even get a scratch. The dog came over to see why I decided to make an unscheduled stop. I scratched his ears, laughed at myself and started on the last mile home. As I got close to my house, the sun began to shine.
Prior to my WL Journey, a fall like that would have laid me up for days.... It wouldn't have happened during a jog, but my ankle would give out on occassion.
There actually is relevance in this missive...
With Thanksgiving around the corner I have concluded that I am grateful for the following: (in no particular order)
The Sunshine
Weight Loss Surgery
My Loving DH & Happy Children
Friends (including my May Buddies)
My New Healthier Body
Neiman Marcus, Lord & Taylor, etc....
What are you grateful for?
Kate Z

Being that I am a neighbor to you (RI) I too am so thankful for that beautiful bright shiny sun today! It's been too long since we've seen it!
I am also thankful for being able to shop in regular stores from now on.
I am thankful that I no longer run out of breath when doing stairs or inclines.
There are too many things to list so...
I am thankful for having the best surgeon in the world, he changed my life forever in a great way.
I was going to share my story of my "face dive" into the sofa last year but I'll save that and get to the stuff to be grateful for...
My dear and loving husband - I don't know what I've done in my life to deserve him but you know I'm going to keep trying to earn him.
That I was able to have this surgery and improve my health as well as feel better and look better too.
That I have access to excellent medical care and insurance.
That my Dad is doing well with his battle against prostate cancer (not the fast developing kind - should be cureable) and will be soon moving into a smaller space that was "perfect" for him.
For my sister, BIL, and extended family.
For all my friends...including the MaySisters and Tom, of course.
For a decent job working for kind caring folks that have been very supportive of me and my health issues this past year.
A roof over my head and wheels to take me places.