I was working at Sperry in Great Neck (now defunct) after going to St. John's and we had a strike in 1985ish. Things never seemed the same at the place after that. So I was looking for a new job and found an ad in the Washington Post and applied for it and got a job - been with the same company since. Had been to this area since I had some friends down here and I liked it. Figured eventually it would be easier for me to afford a home here rather than there. I moved in 1986 so I've been here a long time. Lived in Jamaica for my first 25 years.
One of my best friends (who I met at St. Johns) went to Christ the King.
Actually went to my 25th high school reunion in 2003 so I was back in Maspeth after a long time away.
I have a sister that now lives in Floral Park (she used to live in Whitestone, Bellerose and Manhasset) so I get up to NY a few times a year.
Wow that is a big move for a New York girl, I have never been to Virginia but I heard it is nice. When you come back to NY do you miss it or thank God that you left.
I can see myself leaving someday, the real estate here is crazy. We luckily bought a house 8 years ago for 160,000 the same house sold last week on my block for 500,000!
Where does your friend live now that went to Christ the King.
It was great chatting with you and you look beautiful, what a difference in your pictures.
I'm actually glad I'm here in VA and not in NY. Things are crazy enough here for me. I'm outside of Washington DC and the area is not unlike Long Island. Well, it is now. Wasn't when I moved here. LOL. This area has boomed in the years I've been here. It is insane.
My friend that went to Christ the King now lives in Little Silver, New Jersey whic isn't far from Red Bank if you know where that is. She is off Garden State Parkway.
how about cheese crisps? from dame tooters website,
click on WLS friendly recipes, then appetizers.
but just in case, here is quickly, cut and pasted:
Cheese crisps
Can't take credit for this - has been floating the net since I've been low-carbing
1/4 cup of your favorite cheese or combo of cheeses.
Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat. You do want to pre-heat the pan. Spread the cheese out in a circle and allow to brown on one side. Carefully lift with a spatula and flip. Brown other side. Drain on a paper towel - blotting top with another towel. Allow to cool and break into pieces.
You can do this in the microwave on a wax-coated paper plate, but make sure you use Kraft Singles American cheese slices. Microwave for approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute, depending on the strength of your micro. It should puff up and become hard and crunchy.