5, -60, 8, -92, -73.25, Hike! Go Team Go!
Well, today is my 5 month rebirthday! And I'm pleased as SF punch to report that I am now down 60 lbs even as of this morning.
Oh, thank you gracious scale for finally moving this week...just in the nick of time.
While I've lost alot slower than many folks... there are zero complaints from me. My monthly weight losses have been: 25, 8, 10, 8.5 and 8.5. Fairly consistent thus far. Expecting a slow down any day now and that's a-okay with me.
I started my weight loss journey in mid-February so I now have 8 months of losing behind me to the tune of 92 lbs. Just a mere 8 lbs to the Century Club. Perhaps by Christmas. That'd be great!
As for the 73.25 - that's the inches I have lost since the start of my weight loss journey. Hard to imagine but then last night I put an old t-shirt on and it was HUGE on me. Started to think to myself...was this t-shirt tight on me early this year? Naw, couldn't be. Got out my measuring tape and the chest measured 52 inches. Looked at my profile for my "before" measurements and I started with a chest of 53 inches so yeah it was tight - akin to wallpaper apparently. I was stunned. Wow.
Sometimes this is all so hard to fathom. It's real but more like it is surreal. I'm sure you all know and understand.
No matter what the scale says or how I look - I knew early out that I had already won when the sleep apnea, diabetes and high blood pressure were gone. The rest is just gravy. Low-fat, low-sodium gravy but gravy nonetheless.
So Maysters, rock on, folks! Report in! We are all doing great!
Go Team Go!

Woooooo Hoooooo
You've done such a wonderful job Kathy!!!!!
Don't feel like you've lost "slower" then others. You lost a lot BEFORE surgery!!!!! The inches are absolutely amazing aren't they??
We're both so very close to the century club!!! (I'm six pounds and you're eight) You'll get there before Christmas, and what a gift that will be.
Keep up the great work Kathy. Glad to hear that you're feeling better too.

Thanks, honey!
Have you made a decision to stick where you are or try to lose more? Haven't heard if you did.
We've got a great Mayster group! So many lovely folks including yourself!
Hugs to ya!
lap RNY 5/20/05 - 5 months post-op TODAY!
276/244/184/160ish (consult/pre-op/current/goal) @ 5'7.5"
-92 lbs overall/-60 lbs since surgery
Oh, no complaints about my weight loss at all! Didn't matter whether it came off before or after...I just had a jump start into the process.
Bottom line is that it's gone! Good bye! Good riddens!
Century Club is just mere weeks away...I can feel it for so many of us!
Thanks so much!
lap RNY 5/20/05 - 5 months post-op TODAY!
276/244/184/160ish (consult/pre-op/current/goal) @ 5'7.5"
-92 lbs overall/-60 lbs since surgery

Congratulations! You're doing great! I know it's kind of mind boggling when you try on clothes you used to wear and they just hang on you. It's funny and sad at the same time! ...a little hard to explain.
I tried on my purple leather winter coat and you can fit two people in there. It's a beautiful coat and I would like it to find a good home. It's a size 4X. If anyone's interested, please send me an e-mail.
Go Kathy! And congratulations to all the May losers/winners!
Thanks, Jean!
Yea, old clothing just amazes me. Be sure to keep at least one old item as a reminder of where you have come from and how far you have gotten!
lap RNY 5/20/05 - 5 months post-op TODAY!
276/244/184/160ish (consult/pre-op/current/goal) @ 5'7.5"
-92 lbs overall/-60 lbs since surgery