Who's thinking about PS?

Becky Sue
on 10/18/05 7:57 pm - Fort Wayne, IN
We had a PS Surgeon present at our support group meeting last night. Did you know it's no longer "plastic surgery?" Now, they call it "Body Contouring." Hmmm... Anyway, after the presentation, which was very insightful and very graphic, I'm really not sure what I think. Based on what was discussed last night, I'm 99% sure I'm not going to get any sort of insurance coverage because I don't have near the problems many have when experiencing rapid weight loss. No rashes, no low-hanging pannus, etc. But, of course, there's things I would *like* to do. The PS talked about the most common procedures in WLS patients. 1) of course, the abdominoplasty with muscle reconstruction 2) inner thighs 3) total body lift (saggy butt, saggy thighs, saggy abdomen) 4) breast lift, sometimes with augmentation 5) arms. He indicated that everyone's different, though and some things bother one person more than another. This is a very reputable PS, but I noticed, and we discussed, that even with a great PS, scars are not always pretty, often asymettric (the skin moves alot when they're cutting it) and results are never perfect. After seeing the pics, discussing the risks, which quite frankly scare me more than WLS, especially since for me it would be purely cosmetic, I'm undecided about whether I'll actually pursue PS. Especially since I'll have to pay out of pocket. But, if I were GOING to, I'd probably pick in this order: 1) Breast lift and augmentation. From a purely cosmetic standpoint, this bothers me the most. I've always had great breasts (I think) and now they're flat as pancakes and it bothers me. 2) Arms - I have batwings, and while not as bad as some of the pics I saw last night, I'm still self conscious when I wear a sleeveless shirt and raise or wave my arm. 3) Abdomin - I really don't plan on ever showing my belly. No bikinis for me. No mid-rif shirts. It's not so bad that it interferes with my daily living and hides well under clothing. 4) Thighs - again, not bad, not showing them off to anyone and frankly, the procedure, placement of incisions, etc., look likes it REALLY HURTS! What are your thoughts on PS. Definately having it? Definately not? Wish list?
Full of Life
on 10/18/05 10:01 pm - Broken Arrow, OK
My insurance is "supposed" to cover some PS. But then again said they covered wls and I had to fight tooth and nail for it. LOL My order would be (and of course if the money was all there for it) 1.) Tummy Tuck and muscle repair - I've had six babies, so I knew that I would need this. The only thing holding my tummy up was all that fat. (tmi) 2.) Thighs - These are real bad too. I'm getting sores on them now and they "pinch" inside my jeans - OUCH! 3.) Breast and Arms - I'd probably try to get done together, since incurance doesn't cover these. My bat wings are eeeewwww. The breast, I'm really not sure on. I'd like them put back where they belong but I don't want anything artificial put in there. Overall, my goal was to look good dressed. I don't need a model body. If that were the case they'd have to start at the toes and go up to the head!!! I know if my TT were done, I'd go down at least to a size 8 in my jeans. That would be awesome. I can wear 8/10 tops now with out much problem with the arms, but come next summer???? So I'm going to battle Aetna insurance once again next spring for as much as I can get from them!!!
on 10/19/05 1:15 am - Coventry, RI
I honestly don't think I could muster up the guts to have any plastic surgery done. It really scares me. WLS made me only a little nervous - I had lap-rny so I knew the scars would be small, and I had the greatest surgeon ever, so I wasn't scared of problems either. With plastic surgery, I am afraid of he pain, the healing time, the scars, etc. But... if I did do it...I would definitely go for the sagging breasts first. I have seen the arm scars and don't think I would do that, so maybe the abdominoplasty second. Before WLS, I knew I was going to have saggy baggy skin after weightloss. I assumed that was the price I would pay for being able to be skinny. So I am ok with it.
on 10/19/05 2:52 am - Ventura, CA
We had a presentation like that at a support group and I cringed the whole time! I don't have any big issues with skin yet- I definatly could use help- a lift here and there, but I don't know if I'll do it unless it's medically necessary. I think I'll just wait and see what I think when I'm at goal. I still need to lose 50 pounds.
on 10/19/05 3:51 am
I am definitely thinking seriously about having some reconstructive surgery done. I had a VBG in 1997 and have a huge scar from that sugery due to my surgeon incompetence. My second surgeon wouldn't touch the scar due to it calicifying....so I am hoping to have a panniectomy or a total body lift to get rid of it along with the other scars I have now because of the emergency surgery 2 weeks after the wls. I am also depressed about my flat boobs and I am thinking about investing in myself and getting a augmentation and also a lift. In addition I am considering some "bat wing" removal also.....my poor arms just sag. I am fortunate because my insurance company does cover most of the cost.....in fact a friend just had all the above work done with the same insurance company and only had to pay $6,000 and most of that was for the augmentation. I am terrified of the pain and the complications but I am worth the time and investment after all I have been through. Good luck all Dawn
Heather L.
on 10/19/05 11:42 pm - Marion, VA
I already appears that PS might be looming in the near future for me. For me, the back pain is becoming unbearable. I'm only able to sleep for 2-3 hours at a time before I have to get up and walk it off (it's no fun stumbling through the house at 2AM just to try to get your back to ease up). My PCP seems to think that the deflating balloons on my chest and the panni is what is causing the pain (along with my degenerative disk problem). I think that I can live with my arms and maybe even my thighs, but this belly has got to go!
on 10/20/05 2:54 am - Magna, UT
Becky, It looks like it is going to be a definite yes for me, although, I don't yet know how I'll pay for it. I've lost 102 lbs now. I feel great, but, I certainly have skin issues in my stomach, arms and legs. I still have 112 lbs to get to goal, so I will wait. They recommend waiting at least 6 months after you've reached your goal weight because your body continues to change. I'm well aware of how difficult the recovery from the PS will be. For most patients, it is harder then the WLS! I hate the idea of unnecessary surgery, but, I can't imagine carrying around all this skin forever. I'm old enough, (44) that I doubt it is going any place on its own. Lori 384/282/170
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