Mayster's Physical Observations
I can't wear my wedding ring either.
My wrists are getting pretty small.
I'm not sure if I'll have a waddle or not. I've got this funny thing going on with my chin. It looks like I have a big dimple but it still looks better than it did preop.
My boobs are looking pretty long
I'm going to have to get sized for a new bra. I really don't know what size I am but the current bras will soon be history.
My belly is sagging quite a bit. Hope I can tighten it enough that I won't need PS.
I think by butt and legs will be okay. My husband did say my a$$ was looking pretty skinny!
My arms are getting a bit floppy, not too bad yet.
I had my husband add 8 holes on my belt and I'm now on the 5th hole! I don't want to buy a new belt yet, I want to see how far I can get it around me.
I'm in-between my clothes sizes. My current clothes are too big but the next ones I have at home are about 2 sizes down and they are just a tad too tight.

I like when I lie flat, I can feel bones eberywhere. I have far less padding on my backside too, I like when I am walking and see my shadow on the ground! I have a neck and it's the longest I have ever seen it! lol My chin is pointy, my fingers are long skinny sticks. I have a waist - Imagine! I love love love the way it feels when hubby wraps his arms all the way around me or the way he comes up on the side of me and puts his arm around my waist and his hand comes in front of me - not resting on a fat roll on the side like it used to!
I do have dry saggy baggy skin, & hairloss, but I wouldn't give this up for the world!
1. Feeling the zyphoid process (as Barb shared the name) at the bottom of your breast bone is a bit unnerving and icky to say the very least.
2. The veins on the top of my hands are now sticking out. They look like my mother's hands now. I kinda like that! Makes me feel closer to her (strange I know
3. I still do not see my collarbones yet. I feel them. They are right below the surface but don't show yet.
4. The extra skin thing is really getting to me (huge apron, belly, and inner thighs are starting to go as well).
5. The girls, well lets just say they've seen better days. I need to go bra shopping BAD! This part of the process is really bothering me, however, I just keep rolling them up everyday and tucking them safely into my bra.
7. I'm having a LOT of back pain from the extra skin and the deflating balloons on my chest. I was hoping that this wouldn't start this soon out.
8. I still see the fat girl in the mirror. Will she ever leave me alone?
9. I now get my period every month (sorry guys for TMI). This is actually a good thing and a bad thing. Before surgery, I was lucky to have two a year. Ever since surgery, they've been happening every month. The good thing...the flows are regular and not monster drain me somebody shut the gates of Niagra Falls flows. The bad thing...this PMSing every month sucks! So does the cramps which I now get and never used to before.