Whole "WOW" night!!!
Ok.... Let me state for the record that I'm hetero.... I have two very good friends that are bi and one that's "on the fence".... and so the story begins.....
To celebrate my reaching 75lbs down, a bunch of my friends took me out shopping on Saturday. I got some very cool 16's in the clearance isle of a local department store. Everyone ended up getting some great outfits.
That night I was invited to a co-workers 40th birthday party at a Club a few towns over. He said to bring as many people as I wanted so 5 of us piled in my car and went. He's an avid Karaoke singer and the Club was hopping when we got there at around 8:00.
There were 3 guys at the party that I caught checking out my butt everytime I turned around. (I know that sounds conceited, but my friends are the ones that brought it to my attention.)... by 11ish, my friends had quite the buzz on... (I volunteered to be DD). The best dancing around is at a local Gay club. I poured my friends in the car and herded them into the Club. O.M.G.! My feet were smoking I danced so much..... I couldn't sit down... everyone was asking me to dance...
By the time we left at 2:30, I had 4 phone #'s, 2 kinky propositions and some great stories to tell my DH.
5 months / 75lbs ago, I wouldn't have had the stamina to dance for 20 minutes let alone 3 full hours. I wouldn't have had the will power to drink only water all night and I, most definately, wouldn't have been "hit upon" by numerous men and women!!!!
Kate Z

You had a real blast Kate!! Thats funny because there is a girl at Pizza Hut who is Bi and she wants us all to go to a strip club with her on Saturday. She said she would pay for us a lap dance. Now...I personally am not attracted in that way to other women, but I thought it might be a good laugh...or make me totally uncomfortable?? Anyway, its funny the things we consider doing now that we look and feel so much better. I say GO FOR IT!! We only live once!!!