The jokes on me
You all are the only ones I could tell this too and would understand. I am down 110 pounds since my surgery. I am looking good. This is the smallest I have been in about 18 years.
Anyway, tonight hubby came home from work it was 11:30 and he was tired.
I had our dinner waiting so that we could eat when he got home. He walks in the door from the garage and says," My god woman your shrinking." I giggled and went back to finishing dinner.
Then he ruined it by saying " I can see the stove now" "What?" I asked.
He must have realized then how he sounded because he turned bright red and started heming and hawing.
Then he explained that before my butt was so big that when he came in the door he could not see the stove. Now that I am shrinking he can see a number of inches on either side of me. So now in my head for the rest of my life I will see this vision of a stove butt.
Go ahead and giggle, I am as I am writing this. No more stove butt for me.
Stove Butt Kat...

OMG, that is too, too funny.
I know hubby ended up being blunter then he planned to be but it is what it is. While we find comments like that sort of painful, we have to get past the fact that we were big before surgery. I'm sure that many of us blocked the view of the stove, had our arses overflow chairs, took up alot more room in the bed, etc.
Here is to losing stove butts!