Home from gallbladder surgery
All went well. I got released just after 3:30. Doc wanted me to stay for 3 full hours in recovery since I wanted to go home. Surgery went great - 4 new incisions to match the others that I have. My belly - a laproscopic road map. Very little pain and no gas pains either. Actually I think my pain is even less than it was before this surgery. He said my gallbladder was distended and that was probably the source of my pain.
I was hungry so we stopped at the Jewish deli. Had some chicken noodle soup (minus noodles) since I was told to eat light today. Had a few bites of Rich's turkey w/ gravy which was a bit more filling.
No pain meds at the hospital or home needed. The folks at Fair Oaks were da bomb. Had alot of fun in fact. How strange is that? The IV nurse was gorgeous, had a beautiful Caribbean accent and had a t-shirt under her scrub jacket that said "I'm still hot. And it just comes in flashes." She was cracking the doctors and staff up. A man came into recovery after a colonscopy and was loudly passing gas and she said "That's my cue to leave."
All is well.
Off to rest...
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes, as always!