Off to surgery this a.m.
Have to be at the hospital by 8 am with a surgery time of 10 am. And finally after more than a month of escalating discomfort my
demon-evil-annoying-pesky gallbladder will be history. OR is booked for an hour - that's it. Sounds like a piece of cake (SF, of course). Best of all it's outpatient so I'll be coming home to my own bed!
Wish me luck!
In other news...the scale was kind to me this week after last week's no loss. I lost another 3.5 lbs. Hey, I'm super super grateful for any and all of it. I'm now down 91 lbs total of which 59 lbs is since surgery just under 5 months ago. Don't think I can imagine it having gone any faster. I hope to get my Century Club card by Christmas! And only 25 lbs to goal (that is if I stick with my initial goal and don't revise it).
Be good peeps! Have a great day!