Cancer Free!
Thanks so much for everyone's well wishes! I just got back from the doc appointment. It turns out, they DID get all the cancer with the LEEP procedure - everything they took with the biopsy was pre-cancerous so I'm in pretty good shape! When she told me, I burst into tears. Gotta do PAPs every 4 months for the next year and then every 6 months for the next year and then it'll all be good!
Ladies - I can't tell you how important these tests are. I know they're a pain and really not fun, but I'm telling you, if I hadn't gone in to talk about getting my tubes tied, I may not have had a PAP for another couple of years and I could have been in really big trouble.
I'm so relieved now, I'm about limp! I didn't realize how stressed I was until she told me the news...
I KNEW IT!!!!!
I had "mild dysplasia" (abnormal cells) many years ago. Had cryosurgery. Had paps every 3 months - went for about 9 months and dysplasia back again. I then had a LEEP done. And that was lots of years ago. No problems since!
I wish you the same!
Since we are talking about paps and their necessity. I'll also toss in that mammograms are just as important! I do both. My pap was done earlier this year and all is well and my mammogram is scheduled for early December (remember to book early!)
I'm so happy for you, Becky!

Revision on 10/29/12
Becky Sue- I am so happy to hear that you are cancer free!!!! Best Wishes to you!!! HUGS, Stef