Hair loss
Well, I am now experiecing hair loss. It is really thin. I am going to need some hair replacement therapy( you know what I mean). I could not believe it when I washed and blow dried my hair on Saturday, It was coming out by the hand full. I knew this was a possibility and I am still happy I had the surgery, but I sure am sad to see such an extreme amount of hair loss.
Just returned from my hairdresser. The first thing she said to me was "What are you doing to your hair!"... I have always been blessed with very thick hair. Thank goodness, because with the rate of loss, I should be bald.
Has anyone looked ahead to other surgery forums to see if they comment on it slowing down?
Kate Z

My hair was thin to start with- now it is really really thin. I went to my stylist today to see about a perm and she thought it would be a good idea so that it would give it a little volumn so guess I will do that on Monday. In the meantime I'm doing my protein and taking biotin and zinc. This was recommended by several women on the over 50 board and they had great success with it.
Sharon A