Joining the Club!
Hi All ~
I have been lurking and reading posts for the last couple of weeks, and decided it was time to get involved! Your posts have been great -- informative, supporting -- I just love the good vibes.
So, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Angela, and I live in Las Vegas. I am 34 years old, and my surgery date was May 11th. I've lost 55 pounds, and have 45 more to reach goal. The last month or so has been a battle of the plateaus, but I'm not giving up. I do cardio 2-3 times a week and weight training with a trainer 3 times a week. I've never felt better since my diabetes is gone (my a1c is in the normal range), and I've been able to lower my blood pressure medication by half. I have a wonderfully supportive husband who is my biggest cheerleader, and a dog. No kids yet, but we hope to remedy that sometime next year.
I will be posting a picture as soon as I have time. I really like being able to put a face to the name. So, in the meantime, you can just imagine what I look like -- I'm always way off when I do this!
Big thank you to Cary for organizing the secret pals project. I've signed up, and I'm ready to have some fun! Have a great day, and I'm sure you'll be hearing from me soon. ANG

Welcome Angela! We had surgery the same day so I am double glad that you are joing our little family here! You are doing just great and it sounds like you have a terrific support group! I think I can speak for all of us here on the May Message Board when I say Welcome!! Post on here or email me anytime you have questions or just what to blow off some steam!!