What can you eat?????????
heeeheee, guess I should've put down what i can eat (it's a short list)
Cottage cheese
Applesauce (all natural)
Salad (usually with egg, cheese, and ham bits or bacon bits)
Turkey (dark meat in lots of juice)
hamburger (ground up well)
marble cheese (a favorite of mine this week)
almonds and cashews
Cant do: most chicken, steaks, breads,
Haven't tried: corn, rice, popcorn
Beverages: Water, water, water, fat free milk, tea, sf swiss miss, orange juice diluted 1/2 juice and 1/2 water (but only a small serving)
Not all that wide range, but the POUCH RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can eat almost anything. I haven't tried rice or soft bread though. I only eat very well toasted bread or hard bread like the outside of italian bread and only a little bit. I haven't eaten anything with more than 12 g of sugar. I have had some flat diet soda, but just a couple of times and only about 3 ounces.
That said, I had a bout of gastritis and will likely never eat the following:
roasted turkey frozen meal, salisbury steak frozen meal, or salmon patties, homemade with no bread in them. I know it was just a fluke that they made me sick, but in my head I clearly remember the feeling.
I just try to stay focused on protein and eat healthy foods. Nothing is really off limits except processed sugars. If I have something that is not really that good for me, I have it at the end of a meal so that I only eat a little bit of it.
My favorite snack is microwave popcorn. It comes in 100 calorie packs, so how much damage can 100 calories do? I figure this change has to be for life if it is going to be effective long term, so I don't like the idea of making something completely off limits.
Sonja M
Hey Laurie,
Haven't tried corn, can tolerate rice, but stay away from it.
Chicken and pork work best for me, seafood too! Can't really do beef.
I can do bread, but it fills so quickly...try to stay away.
I am doing very well with my water, Occasionally I have a soda, but it makes me very gassy.
Laurie, we won't even go there when it comes to sugar
Goes down tooo well!
How about you?

Hi everyone-
Well I don't write to much...but here's what I can tolerate.
I can eat chicken, pork and Turkey. Beef is a little harder, can't do too much. I can eat rice...only a litlle little bit. Corn is fine, but it's a starch also so I try to stay away. Unfortunately popcorn is my all time favorite snack since the surgery. My husband just ordered me a popping machine so it will be healthier for me. I have no trouble with sugar either. I can eat it, but onlyu in small amounts. The sugar free candy and cakes make me so sick....dumping central. I can't eat any bread...makes me throw up. I love salads too. And soups are my best friends. Hope you are all doing well too!!!
Lets see...
I haven't had corn. I had one tiny forkful of Rich's rice the other day and it was fine. I had popcorn a couple of months ago...not much while we were at the movies and the gas pains derned near killed me so I'm not anxious to go back to that and try it again.
I have had a bite or two of potato - mashed, bakes or fried - no problem. I have had baked sweet potato and that was good - no problem.
I haven't tried sugar. Just whatever is in things and I usually chose things that probably wouldn't have much sugar in it. I can have the honey mustard sauce with Alice Springs Chicken at Outback Steakhouse with no effect.
Meats...I seem to have no problem with. I can eat it all. Sometimes I get a bite that doesn't seem to want to get chewed fine enough and I have to discretely spit it out into my napkin but that isn't often. I find some chicken, beef, scallops and shrimp to be the foods that might not be chewed down good enough. I eat fish, shellfish, pork, chicken, turkey, beef and even steak (if it is a good cut and tender). I've eaten most of these from my early pureed days except for the steak. I waited on that til later.
I haven't eaten bread except for a toasted corner of Rich's bread now and then. I have had tortilla chips and those go down far too easily/nicely for my taste.
I do not have trouble with fats. Had a few onion rings the other day. Yumm. My gallbladder doesn't like the fatty stuff at all but the rest of me including Igor (pouch) deal with it just fine.
I seem to have troubles with sugar alcohols. I haven't eaten any protein bars but had a shake with some in it and it didn't sit so well. In fact, had some dumping symptoms from it. For me, dumping is: pain from pouch down entire intestinal system. My abdomen hurts to the touch. I've gotten this from some low-carb, high-protein cereal that I noshed a taste of, some SF candy/gum, and for some bizarre reason...the salmon with reumoulade sauce at Outback (I emailed them - no added sugar - yet fats don't seem to bother me. The sauce is mayo based. I don't get it.
I do have an occassional diet 7up now that they make it with splenda. Lots of burping though. It's quite funny. Usually I drin****d tea when we go out. I do have coffee - 1 per day though I try to make it decaf. I drink lots o' water. Haven't tried alcohol.

It seems really strange...because even still things I can eat today may not work tomorrow but there is a bit more predictability.
I can eat just about anything I want...
Corn is fine.....however rice just does not like me...and well I dont like it either.
Popcorn is my favorite snack and I usually take a bag to pop and munch on at work when I work night shift.
Unfortunately Sugar causes me no problems...but I try very very hard to limit my intake and have not pushed the sugar grams
Meats..I find white meats are easier to deal with..chicken pork and turkey...beef and such are harder to deal with. however I did have a small bit of steak the other day and it went down fine.
Breads are ok in VERY small amounts
Beverages...mostly water and flavored water...occasionally I'll have a diet sprite or such but I try to let it go a little bit flat and pour it over ice
So basically I play it by ear..I learned that early on when I couldn't keep anything down and I had to eat what I could..just as long as I was eating something
For the most part, I can eat pretty much anything - or anything I've tried, anyway. I haven't tried corn, but have had rice. Just tiny bits, anything more than about a tablespoon of rice and I feel kind of icky. Popcorn's not a probem either, although I will confess - I ate WAY too much yesterday and felt bloated and crappy all afternoon. Usually, I can do about 3/4 cup no problem.
Sugar I keep under 7 grams per serving, I had 2 oz of baked beans early out and paid the price so I haven't tried anything more since then.
I can do all kinds of meat, although they have to be pretty tender. Chicken is fine, and so is steak if med. rare. I like fish a lot, but if it's not cooked properly, it gets stuck. Haven't tried turkey, but if I do, I'll probably stick to dark meat.
I'm not *supposed* to have bread until 1 year out. I've had well-toasted bread maybe 3 times, probalby 1/4 piece each time. I don't get sick but it really fills me up. I've only tried rye. I can do tortillas though, and they work pretty well, as long as I really chew them. Otherwise they ball up and I get kind of blech-feeling. I make a lot of quesidillas and toast the tortillas just enough that they don't get so gummy.
I've tried a few sips of diet soda and don't care for it at all, so I mostly stick to water, CL and Diet Snapple. Occasionally, I'll have a beer or a Bloody Mary.