Does anyone else get really hungry?
I have started to get really hungry since I've increased my exercise so much. It scares me too. I have been told we all have this 12 - 18 month window of opportunity to take off the weight. We won't be plagued by hunger and our bodies will respond to the surgery. I hope for some of us that this window isn't much shorter. How much of it is head hunger? My Nutritionist says this is the main reason they don't want us to drink for an hour after meals is that it pushes the food through the pouch too soon, so you will feel hungry sooner...
Thanks Lori,
I don't think it's head hunger...I think, like you, it's because I'm exercising more and eating 3 very small meals. I was really hungry yesterday when I posted this and then I ate a pure protein bar and was satisfied and really ate a small dinner after my jazzercise class. It's just a scary feeling when I feel that hunger that I haven't felt the last 4 months!
Sue McD

When I am home alone I think I am hungry! But amazingly when I am out I never get hungry and sometimes still forget to eat.
They call this head hunger,I am not hungry I am bored. I try to go for a walk or a drive (before gas costs so much) Alot of times I get on the computer and read the message boards. The feeling doesn't seem to pass easily and many times I have given in. But a "give in" now is nothing like it use to be!!
This seems to just be an old habit that may never die!
I waffle (OT: ooh, waffles) on this. Like now, it's 10:12 a.m. Been up since 7 a.m. and don't feel hungry.
Last night I was feeling ravenous. Had eaten all my calories for the day so didn't have anything. Usually, I would have a Sugar Free Popcicle, but last night I was very cold.
I was really worried about this last month and talked to my nutritionist about it. She suggested I try to eat more "bulky" food (chicken instead of an egg), less cheese (high calories but not much bulk factor). But like I said, some days I just do not feel like eating. I usually only eat 2 times a day, which surgeon wants me to make 3 meals. Just am too busy and don't (usually) think about it. Then other days . . . how long before I can FEED again!