I'm just so bad...
I think I may have posted that my Dad has prostate cancer. He does not have the fast developing kind which is good. Because his prostate was 4 times the normal size, he was put on hormones to supress testosterone. Luckily, the 3 month course of treatment worked and it got down to the size where they could treat the cancer. Yesterday they implanted 93 radioactive seeds into his prostate. They map out the prostate gland with a computer and then do the implanting through the backside.
Anyway, my sister is down with him. I intended to be there but with my own health (gallbladder issues) on hold...I needed to stay here and not end up out of state with possible surgery looming over my head. Dad's procedure was outpatient and he went home with my sis. Apparently, he had trouble urinating (not an unusual side effect) so they went to the ER last night. And again this morning because the cathether they inserted got blocked. His urine was red so there is some bleeding. He was sent home with the catheter and told to see to call the urologist at 9 am and go see him in the afternoon. The urologist saw him and put him in the hospital for a few days to be sure all is well. He feels fine but is now safely being watched and on antibiotics and drugs to help him urinate and such.
My sister told me that on one of the ER trips...a male orderly and my dad were discussing the color of his urine. They were discussing it in terms of colors of wine. Apparently, his was "merlot". Later it was more of a "zinfandel". OMG, too funny.
I just ordered dad a dozen yellow roses so he gets the shade right. I put on the card "Remember - Think "Chardonnay" Not "Merlot"" - he is going to love it.
Please keep in your thoughts.