Oh Becky - I KNOW your frustration!!! I sat right at 200 for two weeks!!!! It can drive a person CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it will go down!! Now, I'm "sitting" again, but this time it's at 172, just can't get below that number now!!!
Wish I could throw out the scales and just move on with life, but I'm adicted to them and I know I'd just go buy another scale.

I know the feeling! I've been down between 58-59.7 lbs for almost 2 weeks now. I was so hoping I'd hit that magical 60-lb loss by now. I was hoping to be down 75 lbs by my 6 mo. anniversary but it's not looking good. Sure can get depressing, huh! I guess all we can do is stick with the program and hope our bodies will give up its hold on those unwanted lbs.

Throw away the scale. I don't even own one just for that reason. I have had to fight the impulse to get on the scale when I take the kids to the doctors. Actually, I lost to the impulse on Sunday and was glad I did. I weighed in at exactly 300. Which means I am down 85 pounds. I try to weigh in just once a month, because that big 15-30 pound difference seems so much more than just a pound or two if I weighed in every day or week. The scale will move. The more you stress the worse it gets.
As I tell my kids, Dont stress the petty stuff, don't pet the sweaty stuff. You have made it this far keep going and you will reach your goal.
I know, I know. I'd like to consider myself a *reasonably* intelligent person (key word: reasonable) but I can't do it. Okay, won't do it. Why? I dunno... At one point, I told my DH to take the scale to the garage (he uses it to ship bike parts) but within 2 days, I was having a meltdown and went out and got it back...
I told myself I wouldn't do this. Actually, for the most part, the daily fluctuations DON'T bother me. Seriously. It was just yesterday. I'm better today (still at 202) and know that I've already come a long way and it will continue to go down.
It's funny about what you tell your kids... I just had this conversation (again) with my 10 year old last night. I call it "gravity". Not a thing you can do about gravity. It just happens and you accept it and deal with it. There's some things in life that are just like gravity, you accept it and find the best way to deal with it.