Anyone know anything about liver stones or sludge?

on 10/4/05 4:21 am - Oak Harbor, WA
I went to see my primary care yesterday about the abdominal pain and he discussed my lab work with me. Saturday my liver enzymes were a little high but not too much so, but Sunday they were incredibly high. The absolutely worthless doc that I had in the ER said she didn't have a clue what was going on, but my pain finally went away and she sent me home. My primary care doc and he said it could be indicitive of liver stones (since the enzymes went up so quickly and the pain just resolved itself, it came and went suddenly) and when I spoke to my surgeon who did my gastric bypass, he said it could be that or sludge. Now, I've had gall bladder stones and it did feel very similar to that type of pain, so it makes sense to me that it could be that. I've done some googling and haven't found a lot of information. The only thing that concerns me is that my surgeon said that since I've had the gastric bypass they couldn't scope me the way that they normally would to check for liver stones and that if I had the pain again (God forbid) I should get an ultrasound immediately while I'm having the pain and it may require surgery. Ugh...not another abdominal surgery!! Anyone know anything about these?! Michelle
on 10/4/05 4:39 am - DOVER, DE
Michelle, I can't really help much. I have liver problems which were identified by my pre-op blood work. I had elevated liver functions. My surgeon did 4 liver biopsies when he did my gastric bypass surgery. I'm seeing a gastroenterologist and have been diagnosed with non-alcoholic steatohepititis and cirrhosis. There is no cure. Treatment is lose weight, exercise, and control blood sugar. Since I'm doing all those things, I'm heading in the right direction. I had stones and sludge in my gall bladder in 1987 and had the gall bladder removed. Stones can develop in the duct work of the liver too. That's all I can help you with. You may want to check out the web site: They may have more information. Good luck! Jean
on 10/5/05 12:51 pm - ocala, FL
I feel for you, my brother had liver problems, and after many grueling years he had a transplant this summer, a month and a day after my WLS. I hope your liver is stable and not getting progresivly worst. I will keep you in my prayers. joe
on 10/4/05 5:45 am
Michelle, I know NOTHING about the liver, but please know you are in my thoughts and prayers! I can't imagine how you must feel. I've been in the ER, a few years ago, and had them be unsuccessful and determining my problem. That is incredibly frustrating. Keep us posted and I hope your pain does not return. ~Wanda
April Loves David
on 10/4/05 6:39 am - South Fulton, TN
I have had pain on my left side, groin area and abdominal area. I had a scan and no kidney stones. My liver was elevated as well, so they tested me for hepatitis. Which I don't have, but the symptoms you are having are like the ones I had. I'm getting checked at the end of the month, again. So have the scan done and have them check for hepatitis all of them. I hope its nothing but its weird we both have this. Mine is better, I had a kidney infection. Still on that medicine. Let me know how things go. ~April~ Lap Rny May 13, 2005 21 yrs old, 5'1 231 / 168.5 / 120
Kathy & Rich
on 10/4/05 7:12 am - Fairfax, VA
Michelle, I know that the one test: endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) (which is an exam with an endoscope, a slim, lighted tube that can be passed through the stomach and into the small intestine) cannot be performed on us post-ops. They wouldn't be able to get the endoscope through the stoma in order to do the test. Check the following: intrahepatic stones, intrahepatic calculi or intrahepatic ductal calculi. Think those are liver stones. Sounds like the way to remove them is surgically in us post-ops. For diagnosis, looks like an MRI is the way to go perhaps. Or hopefully the ultrasound will show the problem. Good luck, Kathy
Rejoicing 2B free
on 10/5/05 1:02 am - southern states
Hi Michell, The other posters had good links and liver diag. stuff that looks like good leads, maybe that will help. OT... I however have a thought a little off the subject. How would you feel about writing a letter to the hospital of the ER you visited last week? I thought the other day when I read your story that you recieved sub-standard treatment. I also feel you were ignored when you told the doc about the effectiveness of the drug they wanted to give you when you clearly stated it DID NOT WORK FOR YOU !!! I know doctors have acquired an education to practice medicine but you have however, lived in your body since pre-birth. And you do Know what works or not from past experience. I think it is a disgrace you had to suffer needlessly for so long to indulge the doctors need to be the boss. From the sounds of it you repeated tests unnecessarily at her request and even the tech was aware of the ER doc's incopetence both at ordering tests and interpreting their results. I am not a B---- but I feel it may be worth considering letting the higher ups know your experience there in the ER. Some other person may be spared the same treatment when they are also doubled up in pain. Every body has a boss, and has to answer to someone. You are worth being HEARD and treated with honor and respect.( and adequate wise medical care) I do hope you soon get beyond this pain and illness. I'll be praying for you that this will soon be over and you will be restored to full health. Bless ya, Mary
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